Please note timings are in Central European Summer Time (CEST). To view the event start time in your local time, please click here
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Coffee and registration
Welcome and introduction
- Session 1: PFAS – regulatory updates from Europe
Latest European Commission update on the co-ordination of the different PFAS restriction proposals
- Commission proposal on PFHxA restriction
- Finalised RAC and SEAC opinion on restriction of all PFAS in firefighting foams
- Most important discussion topics on broad PFASs restriction
ECHA updates on current processes for PFAS restriction proposals under REACH
- Overview of ECHA’s work on PFAS restrictions under REACH
- Restriction proposal on PFAS in firefighting foams: conclusions from the scientific assessment by ECHA’s committees
- Universal PFAS restriction proposal: the work ahead
The universal PFAS (UPFAS) restriction after the consultation period
- Scope and concerns related to PFASs
- The UPFAS restriction proposal so far – what has been done
- Next steps: processing comments from the consultation and recommendations
Further important European updates from an NGO perspective
- Scene setting
- EU PFAS restrictions
Jean-Luc Wietor, Deputy Manager, European Environmental Bureau
Refreshment break
- Session 2: Legal and enforcement developments
Are emergency interim proceedings suitable legal tools for PFAS victims?
- Context of the worst PFAS contamination in France
- Polluter pays principle and precautionary principle
- Emergency interim proceedings: a suitable legal tool for PFAS victims?
Brief individual Q&A
Compliance and enforcement implications of PFAS restrictions
- Challenges for enforcing authorities tasked with checking compliance
- How enforcing authorities might target their inspections
- How businesses could demonstrate compliance with the restriction
Lunch and networking
Chemical Watch platform demonstration
- Session 3: Different sector responses to the changing regulatory landscape
Challenges and successes dealing with UPFAS restriction in the mechanical and plant engineering industries
- PFASs – determination of affected areas
- Impact on the mechanical and plant engineering sectors
- Application example
- Analysis of draft regulation and VDMA position
Alena Knauz
Substance Policy Advisor, German Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers Association (VDMA eV) -
Challenges and successes phasing out PFASs from the paper and board sector
- PFASs in sector-specific legislation: food contact materials (FCMs)
- Focus on specific measures for the paper and board sector
- Why and how to measure PFASs?
- Case study examples
- Supporting innovation to phase out PFASs: the project with Qwarzo
Refreshment break
- Session 4: Developing solutions to the most urgent challenges
Supply chain engagement: Substance identification and preparedness for substitution
- Review of approaches for mapping substance uses
- Case studies about engagement with stakeholders in complex supply chains
- Aspects to be considered when preparing for substitution
Felipe Balestero de Assis
Managing Consultant, Market Manager for the REACH Authorisation & Restriction Practice, Ramboll Deutschland GmbH -
What’s the alternative? Key challenges and barriers to achieving implementation of a PFAS restriction
- The journey to developing PFAS alternatives
- Assessing function and performance
- Key challenges for achieving PFAS substitution in practice
- Case study examples
- Actions to success
Q&A and panel discussion: Given the scale of the new restrictions and timelines, how can we avoid more regrettable substitution?
- Communication with the supply chain
- Lifecycle of PFAS
- Recycling and degradation products of different recycling methods
Additional panellists:
End of conference