Please note all timings are in ET (Washington, D.C. local time)
Terry Hyland
Senior Editor, North America, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence - Session 1: TSCA
High level overview
Kelly Franklin
North America Managing Editor, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence -
Risk Management under reformed TSCA
- Big picture public health expectations for management (timelines; prohibitions; restrictions)
- Historical context for proposals so far (TSCA required that "first ten" come from existing workplan; assessments done prior to 2016; MC exposure deaths, etc; EPA work prior to 2016)
- What are we seeing / not seeing in first management rule proposals
- Fenceline communities
Risk evaluations under TSCA
- Enhancing Prioritization and Scoping
- Data Gathering: Integrating Hazard and Exposure Information for Safety Determinations
- Manufacturer and Downstream User Engagement and Outreach
Kimberly Wise White
Vice President, Regulatory and Scientific Affairs, American Chemistry Council (ACC) -
TSCA reporting including PFAS and Asbestos
- TSCA Regulation of PFAS
- TSCA Reporting under Section 8(a)(7)
- Asbestos Risk Management
Section 4 Test Orders
- TSCA section 4 – Key provisions
- EPA test orders
- Considerations in fulfilling test orders
- National PFAS Testing Strategy
Significant New Use Rules (SNURs)
- SNURs for existing chemicals
- SNURs for new chemicals
- Practical considerations for notifications and SNURs
- Session 2: Emerging state regulatory trends
Emerging state regulatory trends
- Chemical restrictions (PFAS, flame retardant, etc.)
- Extended producer responsibility (EPR)
- State regulations concerning various downstream sectors such as cosmetics, packaging and food contact materials, automotive, home care, etc.
Washington State Regulations- Updates and Opportunities
- Safer Products for Washington (SPWA): After completing the first phase of SPWA where do we stand in rulemaking and future compliance. An overview on the second phase priority chemicals.
- New regulations: Our work on toxics in cosmetics and updates on addressing the tire chemical 6PPD.
- Opportunities for community involvement in the development of regulations.
California Prop 65 recent rulemaking activity
- Prop 65 basics: listings, safe harbor levels, safe harbor warnings, etc.
- How OEHHA assists businesses’ efforts to comply with Prop 65
- Recently completed and proposed regulatory amendments
Please choose either Session 3: Other regulatory developments in the USA
Session 4: Developments from Canada and Latin America
- Session 3: Other regulatory developments in the USA
Legal requirements of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Green Guides
- History of the Green Guides with focus on 2012 update and specific environmental marketing claims addressed.
- Legal review of the Green Guides – how they have been implemented and enforced.
- Discussion of FTC’s 2022 request for public comment to update the Green Guides, a summary of the comments submitted, and what can be expected.
Downstream perspective on the FTC Green Guides
- Updates of most value to the household and commercial products industry
- Challenges, including intersection of FTC Green Guides with state labeling legislation
Molly Blessing
Vice President of Sustainability & Product Stewardship, Household & Commercial Products Association -
Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging Regulations
Networking drinks reception
Join us for relaxed networking, drinks and appetisers with our speakers and attendees.
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