
Please note all timings are in ET (Washington, D.C. local time)

  1. Registration

  2. Welcome

    Terry Hyland Terry Hyland
    Senior Editor, North America, Chemical Watch News & Insight - by Enhesa, USA
  3. Session 1: TSCA
  4. High level overview

    Kelly Franklin Kelly Franklin
    North America Managing Editor, Chemical Watch News & Insight - by Enhesa, USA
  5. Risk Management under reformed TSCA

    • Big picture public health expectations for management (timelines; prohibitions; restrictions) 
    • Historical context for proposals so far (TSCA required that "first ten" come from existing workplan; assessments done prior to 2016; MC exposure deaths, etc; EPA work prior to 2016) 
    • What are we seeing / not seeing in first management rule proposals  
    • Fenceline communities 
    Liz Hitchcock Liz Hitchcock
    Director, Safer Chemicals Healthy Families
  6. Risk evaluations under TSCA

    • Enhancing Prioritization and Scoping
    • Data Gathering: Integrating Hazard and Exposure Information for Safety Determinations
    • Manufacturer and Downstream User Engagement and Outreach
    Kimberly Wise White Kimberly Wise White
    Vice President, Regulatory and Scientific Affairs, American Chemistry Council (ACC)
  7. TSCA reporting including PFAS and Asbestos

    • TSCA Regulation of PFAS
    • TSCA Reporting under Section 8(a)(7)
    • Asbestos Risk Management
    Lynn L. Bergeson Lynn L. Bergeson
    Managing Partner, Bergeson & Campbell, USA
  8. Refreshments

  9. Section 4 Test Orders

    • TSCA section 4 – Key provisions  
    • EPA test orders  
    • Considerations in fulfilling test orders  
    • National PFAS Testing Strategy 
    David B. Fischer David B. Fischer
    Counsel, Keller & Heckman, US
  10. Significant New Use Rules (SNURs)

    • SNURs for existing chemicals
    • SNURs for new chemicals
    • Practical considerations for notifications and SNURs
    Rose Passarella Rose Passarella
    Director - Chemicals Group, Intertek Assuris, USA
  11. Q&A

  12. Lunch

  13. Session 2: Emerging state regulatory trends
  14. Emerging state regulatory trends

    • Chemical restrictions (PFAS, flame retardant, etc.)
    • Extended producer responsibility (EPR)
    • State regulations concerning various downstream sectors such as cosmetics, packaging and food contact materials, automotive, home care, etc.
    Nhat Nguyen Nhat Nguyen
    Chief Analyst, Enhesa Product Intelligence, USA
  15. Washington State Regulations- Updates and Opportunities

    • Safer Products for Washington (SPWA): After completing the first phase of SPWA where do we stand in rulemaking and future compliance. An overview on the second phase priority chemicals.
    • New regulations: Our work on toxics in cosmetics and updates on addressing the tire chemical 6PPD.
    • Opportunities for community involvement in the development of regulations.
    Lola Flores Lola Flores
    Washington State Department of Ecology, USA
  16. California Prop 65 recent rulemaking activity

    • Prop 65 basics: listings, safe harbor levels, safe harbor warnings, etc.
    • How OEHHA assists businesses’ efforts to comply with Prop 65
    • Recently completed and proposed regulatory amendments
    Carolyn N. Rowan Carolyn N. Rowan
    Chief Counsel, California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
  17. Q&A

  18. Refreshments


    Please choose either Session 3: Other regulatory developments in the USA


    Session 4:  Developments from Canada and Latin America

  20. Session 3: Other regulatory developments in the USA
  21. Legal requirements of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Green Guides

    • History of the Green Guides with focus on 2012 update and specific environmental marketing claims addressed.
    • Legal review of the Green Guides – how they have been implemented and enforced.
    • Discussion of FTC’s 2022 request for public comment to update the Green Guides, a summary of the comments submitted, and what can be expected.
    Lisa R. Burchi Lisa R. Burchi
    Of Counsel, Bergeson & Campbell, PC
  22. Downstream perspective on the FTC Green Guides

    • Updates of most value to the household and commercial products industry
    • Challenges, including intersection of FTC Green Guides with state labeling legislation
    Molly Blessing Molly Blessing
    Vice President of Sustainability & Product Stewardship, Household & Commercial Products Association
  23. Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging Regulations

    Melanie Rybar Melanie Rybar
    Regulatory and Compliance Analyst, Enhesa Product Intelligence, USA
  24. Q&A

  25. Networking drinks reception

    Join us for relaxed networking, drinks and appetisers with our speakers and attendees.

  26. Close of day

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