
  1. Registration

  2. Plenary session: Global regulatory trends

    Emma Chynoweth Emma Chynoweth
    Founder, Ocki Sustainability
    Cristina Garcia Cristina Garcia
    Project Manager, Knoell Iberia S.L.
  3. Turkish REACH: KKDIK

    • Turkish chemicals roadmap to catch a glimpse of the upcoming obligations & deadlines
    • Time for KKDIK Pre-registrations now
    • Created your Inventory for Turkey with a global supply chain perspective ?
    • KKDIK Pre-registrations: Done and Dusted yet,  what’s next now ?
    • Lessons learned from REACH will not go down the drain.  Transfer of REACH experience and use of data for other regulations.
    • Foreseeable Challenges and undesirable cost effects on the way to compliance
    • Common misinterpretations of KKDIK
    • Risks of misguidance
    Yaprak Yüzak Küçükvar Yaprak Yüzak Küçükvar
    Director, Global Regulatory Affairs & Product Stewardship, RGS Turkey
  4. Refreshments

  5. Compare and contrast global biocidal regulations

    • Biocides are a diverse range of chemicals and include products such as disinfectants, preservatives, insecticides, repellents and rodenticides.
    • Many countries have, or are starting to put in place biocide specific legislation for example EU BPR, Turkish BPR, K BPR.
    • Globally, many countries do not have specific legislation and biocidal products can fall in scope of regulations such as pesticide regulation or industrial chemical regulations.
    • Taking a look at the different systems in place globally and how the EU BPR is influencing the development of new biocide legislation in many regions.
    Samantha Wright Samantha Wright
    Principal Consultant, ERM, United Kingdom
  6. Lunch

  7. Eurasia-REACH

    • Overview of the latest news and developments with regards to 2nd tier legislative acts
    • Member-states authorities
    • Inventory listing process practicalities
    • Registration process
    • New substances notification
    • Open questions and hurdles for foreign companies
    Olesia Pochapska Olesia Pochapska
    Global Accounts and BD Director, REACHLaw, Finland
  8. Turkish CLP: SEA and its connection with KKDIK

    • Turkish Chemicals Roadmap – Where we are in CLP (SEA) today
    • SEA Obligations & Compliance Strategies
      • Turkey catching up with the CLP Amendments in the EU
      • Wise to depend on your importers in Turkey for notifications?
      • Missed the deadline for notification?
    • Inseparable Duo: Turkish REACH; KKDIK and SEA Connection
      • Why pre-registration and SEA notification must be considered together
    • Your Only Representative’s role for hazardous substances’ SEA Obligations
    Tugce Gurleroglu Tugce Gurleroglu
    Deputy Director, REACH Global Services S.A, Turkey
  9. Refreshments

  10. The new IUCLID web interface including completeness check areas

    • IUCLID web user interface and its key functionalities
    • Creation and navigation of a dossier
    • Validation assistant and the completeness check
    Margot Mägi Margot Mägi
    Data Availability Unit, ECHA, Finland
  11. Close of Day One