
  1. Registration

  2. Curating pesticide registrations throughout North America

    • Obtaining and managing pesticide registrations in the US and Canada
    Jane Vergnes Jane Vergnes
    Vice President, Scientific Affairs; Director of Toxicology, The Acta Group
  3. Refreshments

  4. Recent developments in US state level regulations

    • TSCA preemption (Subsidiarity principle)
    • US state bans on chemicals of concern 
    • Big box retailers fill the gap 
    Herb Estreicher Herb Estreicher
    Partner, Keller and Heckman, United States
  5. Lunch

  6. Canada: Naming of substance and masking of the identity in Canada

    • Providing an overview of the key aspects of Canada’s Masked Name Regulation and masking the notified substance identity strategies. Specifically, this session will review the chemical name nomenclature and masking this identity.
    Rose Passarella Rose Passarella
    Director - Chemicals Group, Intertek Assuris, USA
  7. Upcoming changes of the Health Canada’s revised in-commerce list

    • Reviewing the basic inventories in the Canadian Management Plan including the “in commerce” and how it fits in the whole plan.
    Rose Passarella Rose Passarella
    Director - Chemicals Group, Intertek Assuris, USA
  8. Close of Day Two