REACH and Registration Processes
Course leader:
Supporting Trainer:
Coffee and registration
- Overview of the main features of REACH and experience over the last 10 years
- Brief introduction to the main protocols: Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction
- Definitions and exemptions from registration
Refreshment break
- Roles and responsibilities in the supply chain (including exercises)
- Joint and Lead Registration processes
- Managing registrations after the phase-in period
- Tonnage tracking exercise
- Inquiry Process
Data Management
- Data Gap Assessment
- Integrated Testing Strategies
- Use of alternative endpoint fulfilment methods
- Data costs
Data Sharing
- SIEFS post REACH 2018
- Data Sharing Objectives and Obligations
- Data sharing disputes
Refreshment break
Ensuring ongoing compliance
- Obsolescence / continuity of supply
- Due diligence
- Enforcement
- Reporting / record keeping
Close of day one