Speaker profile

Kevin Pollard
Kevin has worked at the European Chemicals Agency (Echa) since 2007. His main focus until 2016 was REACH Registration, in addition to managing the submission process for biocides and Echa’s role in the Prior Informed Consent (Pic) Regulation. From 2016 until the end of 2018, Kevin moved to Echa’s Evaluation Directorate, focussing primarily on the dossier evaluation process.
Since Echa’s re-organisation on 1 January 2019, he is Head of Unit for the Exposure and Supply Chain Unit. The unit provides expert support on use and exposure under REACH and CLP Regulatory processes. It also develops, in partnership with industry and Member States, tools and methods for Chemical Safety Assessment (via Chesar) and Supply Chain Communication (via the ENES network). The unit also manages Echa’s work on substances in articles and the ongoing development of a database on SVHCs in articles (under the Waste Framework Directive).