
  1. Coffee and registration

  2. Welcome

    Emma Chynoweth Emma Chynoweth
    Founder, Ocki Sustainability
  3. Keynote  Keynote address

     DG GROW, EU Commission, Belgium

    Michael Flueh Michael Flueh
    Head of the REACH Unit, Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission, Belgium
  4. Session 1: REACH & CLP enforcement: High level overviews


    Nick Hazlewood Nick Hazlewood
    Deputy Editor, Chemical Watch, UK
  6. Update from ECHA's Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement

    Eugen Anwander Eugen Anwander
    Senior Scientific Officer, Institute for Environment and Food Safety, Vorarlberg State Service, Austria & Chair of Echa BPR Enforcement Forum, Finland
  7. Update on ECHA's Enforcement Forum

    Current actions

    • WG Activities and links to ECHA actions
      • What was done and what will be done
    • Some information on interlinks cases
    Maciej Baranski Maciej Baranski
    Team Leader Support & Enforcement Unit, ECHA, Finland
  8. Future outlook

    • Reach review and Refit – update on Forum involvement
    • Links to other legislations (POP, OSH) and concept of circular economy
    • Forum and the ECHA Strategic Priorities
    Erwin Annys Erwin Annys
    Head of Unit Support and Enforcement, ECHA, Finland
  9. NGO perspective on enforcement

    • Lack of economic and human resources for enforcement
    • Divergencies of enforcement measures and sanctions across the EU member states
    • Priority given to (non-dissuasive) soft measures even for very grave non-compliance
    • Lack of transparency on the enforcement measures, non-compliant companies and substances in the market
    Tatiana Santos Tatiana Santos
    Head of Chemicals Policy, European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Belgium
  10. Q&A

  11. Refreshments

  12. Enforcement of restrictions under REACH


    Jean-Philippe Montfort Jean-Philippe Montfort
    Partner, Mayer Brown Europe-Brussels LLP
  14. Enforcing restrictions under REACH: A Forum perspective

    Maria Letizia Polci Maria Letizia Polci
    Scientific Officer, Ministry of Health, Italy
  15. Restrictions as a risk management tool: Cases and learnings in the non-ferrous metals industry

    • Risk management option analysis: how does the restriction fit in the RMOA exercise? What are the main drivers?   
    • Process: how to best act and interact?
    • Data and expertise needs on industry side
    • Data review, including cost benefit analysis
    • Considerations on enforceability
    Violaine Verougstraete Violaine Verougstraete
    Chemicals Management Director, Eurometaux, Belgium
    Sarah Hottenroth Sarah Hottenroth
    Manager Regulatory Affairs, Umicore, Germany
  16. Enforceability of proposed restriction on microplastics

    • A legal perspective on the enforcement of REACH restrictions
    • The proposed restriction on microplastics
      • Are microplastics identified or identifiable under the proposed definition?
      • Other issues related to the scope of the proposed restriction
      • Issues related to the need to set analytical methods prior to the adoption or entry into force of proposed restrictions
    Jean-Philippe Montfort Jean-Philippe Montfort
    Partner, Mayer Brown Europe-Brussels LLP
  17. Panel on the enforceability of restrictions with Q&A

  18. Lunch

  19. Session 3: Emerging enforcement issues


    Michael Warhurst Michael Warhurst
    Executive Director, CHEM Trust, United Kingdom
  21. Taking actions to ensure compliance: A joint action plan by ECHA and the Commission

    • Achievements of dossier evaluation to date
    • ECHA and Commission Joint Action Plan

    o   Objectives

    o   New targets and other actions to improve compliance

    o   What does the future look like?

    Marco Valentini Marco Valentini
    Team Leader – Hazard Assessment Directorate, European Chemicals Agency, Finland
  22. ECHA Forum’s joint initiative with Accredited Stakeholder Organisations on improving the quality of SDSs

    • Background: Why the initiative
    • Objective(s)
    • Participation and methodology followed
    • Report on the outcome
    • Summary of most important findings
    • Some recommendations and action points
    • ASOs’ views on possible solutions
    • Follow-up plan
    Abdulqadir Suleiman Abdulqadir Suleiman
    Chief Specialist, Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority, Norway
  23. State of play with setting up minimum requirements for exposure scenarios: Useability and enforceability implications

    • Why is this being considered? Which problems are expected to be solved with minimum requirements?
    • What should minimum requirements cover? (content, format)
    • How would that improve useability (illustrated with examples)
    • How will that improve enforceability (illustrated with examples)
    • By which means should minimum requirements be set?
    • Which additional challenges could/will minimum requirements bring?
    Fesil Mushtaq Fesil Mushtaq
    Scientific Officer, Exposure and Supply Chain Unit, ECHA, Finland
  24. Q&A

  25. Refreshments

  26. Local enforcement of chemical legislation in Sweden

    • Legal background
    • Enforcement in the municipality of Stockholm
    • Towards a non-toxic Stockholm in 2030
    Frida Ramström Frida Ramström
    Inspector, Swedish Chemicals Agency
  27. How UK will enforce after Brexit

    • The legislative regime
    • What has not changed
    • What will change
    Mike Potts Mike Potts
    Principal Enforcement Officer, Chemicals Regulation Division, Health and Safety Executive, UK
  28. Why do poison centres need product data and what are their options in respect of risk detection?

    • Poison centres: Giving advice on acute poisoning of humans. - hazard, risk and therapeutic recommendations
    • Unexpected toxicity: When non-toxic ingredients become relevant for risk assessment
    • How poison centres can help to improve product safety: They observe and document human exposures in real life.
    • How Annex VIII may improve the capability of poison centres to detect unexpected hazards
    Uwe Stedtler Uwe Stedtler
    Assistant Head, Freiburg Poison Centre, Germany
  29. Plugging a compliance gap around Article 33 of REACH: The Scan4Chem App

    • Communication obligation on SVHC in articles along the supply chain and towards the consumers
    • AskREACH awareness raising campaign for article suppliers and consumers
    • How can I be compliant?
    • Scan4Chem: The easy way to implement the consumer's right to know - test the app!
    Arno Biwer Arno Biwer
    Group Leader Environment Policies, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Luxembourg
  30. Q&A

  31. Close of day one / Cocktail reception

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