
Emma Chynoweth

Founder, Ocki Sustainability

Eugen Anwander

Senior Scientific Officer, Institute for Environment and Food Safety, Vorarlberg State Service, Austria & Chair of Echa BPR Enforcement Forum, Finland

Maciej Baranski

Team Leader Support & Enforcement Unit, ECHA, Finland

Tatiana Santos

Head of Chemicals Policy, European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Belgium

Maria Letizia Polci

Scientific Officer, Ministry of Health, Italy

Violaine Verougstraete

Chemicals Management Director, Eurometaux, Belgium

Sarah Hottenroth

Manager Regulatory Affairs, Umicore, Germany

Jean-Philippe Montfort

Partner, Mayer Brown Europe-Brussels LLP

Marco Valentini

Team Leader – Hazard Assessment Directorate, European Chemicals Agency, Finland

Abdulqadir Suleiman

Chief Specialist, Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority, Norway

Fesil Mushtaq

Scientific Officer, Exposure and Supply Chain Unit, ECHA, Finland

Frida Ramström

Inspector, Swedish Chemicals Agency

Mike Potts

Principal Enforcement Officer, Chemicals Regulation Division, Health and Safety Executive, UK

Uwe Stedtler

Assistant Head, Freiburg Poison Centre, Germany

Nick Hazlewood

Deputy Editor, Chemical Watch, UK

Michael Warhurst

Executive Director, CHEM Trust, United Kingdom

Michael Flueh

Head of the REACH Unit, Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission, Belgium

Arno Biwer

Group Leader Environment Policies, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Luxembourg

Erwin Annys

Head of Unit Support and Enforcement, ECHA, Finland

Tom O'Sullivan

Inspector, Health & Safety Authority

Christophe Goldbeck

Head of Department Consumer Goods, Chemical and Veterinary Investigation Office (CVUA-MEL), Germany

Simon Tilling

Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP, UK

Evelyn Tjoe Nij

Industrial Hygiene manager – REACH Exposure Scenario Expert, Dow Benelux (BV), The Netherlands

Sibylle Wursthorn

Senior Expert (Referent) and Inspector in the Unit Chemical and Product Safety, Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy, Germany

Serge Kwasniewski

Head of Dangerous Goods EMEA, Amazon Europe Core SARL, Luxembourg

Uta Jensen-Korte

Former Director General, European Association of Chemical Distributors (Fecc), Germany

Yves Melin

Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP, Belgium

Miquel Aguado-Monsonet

Policy Officer, European Commission DG GROW

Anna Kobylecka

Chief Specialist, Non-tariff Measures and Single Window Unit, Customs Department, Ministry of Finance, Poland