Food Contact Regulations in Asia
As food contact regulations continue to be complex and fast-moving, the third annual event from Chemical Watch welcomes a team of outstanding speakers from around Asia to bring attendees the latest developments across the region.
Registration fee: $895 USD
Introduction: A reflection of global food regulation trends in Asia: China and beyond
- An overview of how food contact materials are regulated in Asia, with an emphasis on China, where food contact regulations have been maturing at a fast pace in the past 5 years.
- Background on how the Asian governments regulate and ensure the safety of substances that are marketed for use in food packaging applications
- A summary of the latest food-contact developments in Asia.
Updates from China
- Current FCM National Standards system in China; challenges and trends
- Updates of key standards including:
- GB 21604.1
- Adhesives
- Printing inks
Lei Zhu
Director, Food Safety Standard Division I, China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, China -
FCM Regulations in China: An industry perspective
- The status on regulation of FCMs in China
- A case study from HAVI; how are HAVI doing on the regulation compliance?
- Challenges and suggestions
Updates and overview from Thailand
Piyatida (Tung) Pukclai
Asia-Pacific Business Development & Regulatory Policy Lead, knoell, Thailand -
Japan: Developments in food packaging regulations
Taiwan, R.O.C.: Updates and developments
Updates from Australia and New Zealand
Overview of food contact materials regulations in the European Union
- An overview on existing FCM Regulations in EU, for both harmonized and non-harmonized FCM
- Key requirement by Framework Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 on all FCM
- Key aspects of GMP Regulation (EC) No 2023/2006 on all FCM
- Latest updates on PIM Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 for plastic FCM
- Petition process to list a new FCM in Union list of Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 – data requirements
- Guidelines for risk assessment of IAS (intentionally Added Substances) or NIAS (Non-Intentionally Added Substances) present in FCM
- Challenges in getting a substance listed in Union list or on one of national lists in one Member State in EU
Ioan Paraschiv, PhD
Group Leader, Global Food & Food Contact Materials (FFCM) Division, Knoell, Netherlands -
Global food safety trends
Sylvain Rannou
NQAC Expert, Packaging Safety & Compliance (PS&C) in AOA, Nestle Quality Assurance Centre -