CW Welcome
Keynote Keynote
Thomas Jakl
Head of Chemical Policy and Biocides, Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism, Austria -
- Session 1: Overviews of BPR procedures including the status of transitional regimes
Update from the Commission: Latest developments in the biocides field
- EDs (including update of Annexes II and III and early review),
- Authorisation of in situ generated products
- Union authorisations
- Fact finding missions
- Art 65 reporting
- Art 55(3) derogation (in situ nitrogen)
ECHA's latest updates
- General updates on biocides
- Review program action plan
- Lessons learned so far on endocrine disruptors
Member state overview from Austria
- Current situation, achievements
- Challenges
- Possible solutions
- Summary and future perspectives
Nina John
Policy Officer, Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Competent Authority, Austria -
Industry/consultancy overview
- ED assessment of active substances and co-formulants
- Implementation of the new BPF concepts
- Over-conservative risk assessment
- Session 2: Regulatory issues for authorisation/approval related processes - case studies
The new Safety Biocidal Family
The long and winding road to Union Authorisation
- Desire and reality: the gap from a consultant’s point of view
- Data requirements: the moving target
- ECHA process flow: the circle of comments, discussions & revisions
- Deadlines: the challenge
- Pitfalls: the do's and don´ts
Mutual recognition lessons learned: Pros and cons of MR in parallel vs in sequence
- National authorisation, mutual recognition definitions
- Mutual recognition in parallel: pros and cons
- Mutual Recognition in sequence: pros and cons
- Renewal of an authorisation in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 492/2014
- Session 3: Status of Endocrine Disruptor assessments for biocides
The implementation of the guidance for endocrine disruptors from an authority perspective
- History - where does this ED issue come from?
- How we deal with ED assessment at Ctgb
- Consequences of our work
- Lacunas observed so far
Peter Okkerman
Scientific assessor, The Dutch Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb), The Netherlands -
Metabolic effects of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: Novel testing METhods and adverse outcome pathways (EDCMET) Project
- Metabolic disorders an increasing cause of health concern
- Current ED testing tools do not focus on effects related to the disruption of metabolic processes
- Several EU funded projects on the overarching “New testing and screening methods to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals” within the “Horizon 2020” framework
- EDCMET - “Metabolic effects of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: novel testing METhods and adverse outcome pathways”
- Overarching objective to develop novel testing methods for regulatory purposes, to assess the metabolic effects of EDs
Albert Braeuning
Head of Unit Effect-based Analytics and Toxicogenomics, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Germany -
Assessment of potential endocrine disrupting properties of biocidal active substances using in silico tools: First experiences under the new EU Guidance Document
- The new ED guidance – why in silico screening
- What are in silico methods
- Reflection on present situation on ED-models
- ED - in silico screening in practice
Antje Gerloff-Elias
Expert Regulatory Ecotoxicologist and Head of QSAR team, Knoell Consult, Germany -
Legal issues raised by ED criteria
- Shifting goal posts
- Data demands
- Beyond biocides
- Session 4: How has BPR impacted your company, and how have you dealt with the challenges posed?
SME perspective: How to best apply resources for dealing with the BPR
- Approved active and the choices made to get there
- What now?
- Product approvals and new uncertainties
- Re-registration; the cycle starts over
- Business aspects of BPR for SMEs
Manufacturer's perspective
Impact of the BPR: Formulator’s perspective
- Practical experience
- Changes in strategy
- Financial adjustments
- Uncertainties
- Lessons for the future
- Practical experience
Distributor's perspective
- Communication in the supply chain for chemicals with potential biocidal use, such as hydrogen peroxide
- Timely decision making process for product authorization
- for the distributor
- for the supplier
- for the customers
- Finding the right partners and agreeing a business model
- Implementation of biocides supply chains
Panel and Q&A
Impact of new BPR requirements for ongoing and future approval/renewal procedures
- EDs as actives/non-actives
- Updates Annexes II & III BPR
- Change of BPF concept
Close of day one