Markus Mirgeler
Head of Procurement Services (CPO), Clariant International Ltd, Switzerland
Frank Michel
Executive Director, ZDHC Foundation, Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals, The Netherlands
Andrea Mayer-Figge
Head of Department Laboratory Services and Procedures, Institute for Work Design of North Rhine-Westphalia (LIA.nrw)
Carlo Pettinelli
Director, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, EU Commission, Belgium
Hans Dommershuijzen
Manager Regulatory Affairs, Packaging, Tata Steel Europe, The Netherlands
Ralph Schimitzek
DFE-Coordinator – Products specific environmental protection, Robert Bosch GmbH / Automotive Electronics
Christer Forsgren
Responsible for Research and Development at Stena Recycling Chair EuRIC Waste & Chemicals Task Force, Stena Recycling / EuRIC
Mike Hale
Consultant, European Union for the Responsible Incineration and Treatment of Special Waste (Eurits), UK