**Note: timings are in CEST**
- Part 1: BPR overviews
Welcome and introduction
EU Commission overview
ECHA: Current priorities and work of the Environment Working Group
- ECHAs involvement in COVID-19 actions
- Progress of the review program
- The Environment Working Group – introduction and current guidance and IT related developments
Member State overview
Danish EPA response to COVID-19 with focus on:
- National legislation
- Enforcement
- Efficacy issues
Industry overview
- Green steps implemented
- Why does paint need preservatives?
- Future availability of biocides for PT6 and PT7 are at risk
- What can be done?
Q&A and panel session
- Part 2: The assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals under the BPR
Experience & tips from an Evaluating Competent Authority
- Active Substances, already approved and currently under assessment
- Biocidal products
Overview of EFSA endocrine disruptors’ assessment of pesticides’ active substances
ED assessment experiences for active substances and biocidal products
Martijn van Velthoven
Managing Consultant and Toxicologist, VelTox Strategy Consultancy / Rules4Regulatory -
What level of protection from EDCs do we need as a society?
- ED identification across different EU regulations
- Improvement of ED standard information requirements and regulatory measures
- Increasing the level of protection in the short term
Q&A and panel session
Close of day one