
Speaker profile

Brooke Tvermoes

Brooke Tvermoes

Manager - Environmental and Chemical Management Programs, IBM Corporate Environmental Affairs

Dr. Brooke Tvermoes is a board-certified toxicologist who currently serves as a manager within IBM’s Corporate Environmental Affairs organization where she leads a global team that is responsible for setting the strategic direction and driving the performance of a number of environmental programs and goals including those related to material and chemical management, natural resource conservation and biodiversity, pollution prevention and waste management as well as setting environmental requirements for IBM suppliers. In addition, she provides toxicological analysis related to IBM’s operations and products focusing on understanding the environmental and human health risks associated with horizon materials. She also advises IBM Research in the development of more environmentally preferable materials.

Brooke has a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Northern Arizona University and a PhD in Toxicology from Duke University. She joined IBM and Corporate Environmental Affairs staff in 2016.