Glossary of Terms
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Course Commencement
Introduction to toxicology
- What is toxicology and why is it important?
- Risk, hazard and exposure – how these differ
- Dose response and dose-effect relationships & curves
- Internal and external/exposure dose
- Thresholded and non thresholded effects
Basic toxicological terminology and concepts
- Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems
- Homeostasis
- Adaptation and cell injury
- Cellular responses to injury
- Adverse effects
- Local and systemic effects
- Acute and chronic toxicity
Refreshment break
How chemicals cause harm - Local effects
- Irritation and corrosion (skin, eyes, respiratory tract)
How chemicals cause harm -Systemic effects
- Target organ toxicity, reproductive and developmental effects, carcinogenicity, genetic toxicology, Skin and respiratory sensitisers (chemical allergies)
How chemicals cause harm - Systemic effects (continued)
- Target organ toxicity, reproductive and developmental effects, carcinogenicity, genetic toxicology, Skin and respiratory sensitisers (chemical allergies),
Basic Toxicokinetics
- Absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion
- How knowledge of toxicokinetics can help in understanding species differences in response to chemical exposure
Refreshment break
Assessment of toxicity
- Alternative methods
- Acute toxicity testing
- Repeated dose toxicity testing
- Genetic toxicity studies
- Carcinogenicity studies
- Reproductive and developmental toxicity studies
- Sensitisation studies
- Common design of toxicity studies (control, replicates, etc)
- Limitations of toxicity testing
Close of day
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