
Timings are in GMT (London)

  1. Module 1

    • Evaluation of information from supplier SDSs
    • The use of public databases to enhance confidence in supplier data
    • Using information from suppliers and other sources to prepare SDSs
    • Potential issues of interpreting mixture data for toxicology and ecological sections
    Laura Robinson Laura Robinson
    Occupational Toxicologist, Toxicology Consulting Ltd, UK
    Mark Selby Mark Selby
    Director, Denehurst Chemical Safety Ltd, UK
  2. Break

  3. Module 2

    • Classification and data estimation for mixtures
    • Basic physico-chemical data to address other sections of the SDS (such as exposure routes accidental spillage and clean-up methods, etc)
    • Important considerations when writing first aid measures
    • Risk management measures
  4. Finish

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