
Timings are in GMT (London)

  1. Module 3

    • Regulatory requirements; what 'appropriate' information needs to be supplied
    • Exposure reduction through the use of controls and personal protection
    • The relevance of substance Dnels, Pnecs and their use in assessing mixtures
    • Expected outcome of the communication to recipients
    Laura Robinson Laura Robinson
    Occupational Toxicologist, Toxicology Consulting Ltd, UK
    Mark Selby Mark Selby
    Director, Denehurst Chemical Safety Ltd, UK
  2. Break

  3. Module 4

    • Preparing an exposure scenario
    • Manual estimates and use of models (such as Euses, Ecetoc, and Chesar)
    • Exposure estimates
    • Scaling factors and adapting information for specific sites and uses
    • Expected outcome of the communication to recipients
  4. Finish

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