
Please note: all timings are GMT, to view start times in your local timezone, please click here.

  1. Welcome and introduction

    Michael S. Wenk Michael S. Wenk
    Senior Manager – Product Risk and Registration, Global Product Risk, Vanderbilt Global Services, LLC
  2. A planet free of harm from chemicals and waste - Outcomes of the 5th session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management

    • Outcomes of the 5th session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management
      • The Global Framework on Chemicals For a Planet Free of Harm From Chemicals and Waste
      • The Bonn Declaration for a Planet Free of Harm from Chemicals and Waste
      • Other adopted resolutions
    • Strategic objectives of the Framework and targets
    • Next steps and calls in implementation
    Olivier Baldan Olivier Baldan
    SAICM Industry Engagement Specialist, UN Environment Programme
  3. REACH-like regulations in the Middle East and Africa

    Mahamooda Nusreen Mahamooda Nusreen
    Senior Certification Officer, SGS Gulf Limited
  4. Q&A

  5. Break

  6. Session Two: Regulations in Africa
  7. Reducing persistent organic pollutants (POPs)

    Semia Gharbi Semia Gharbi
    The Association of Environmental Education for Future Generations (AEEFG)
  8. Regulatory updates from Kenya

    • Introduction to Chemicals Management in Kenya
    • Updates on chemical regulatory and policy framework in Kenya
    Leonard Tampushi Leonard Tampushi
    Senior Principal Environment Officer, Technical Advisor - The African Environmental Health and Pollution Management Programme
  9. Introduction of Responsible care in Kenyan industries

    Peter Asewe Peter Asewe
    Chemical Industry Consultant, Leamsipet Global Limited Consultancy
  10. Q&A

  11. Lunch

  12. Enhesa Product service presentation and platform demo


    Afternoon moderator

    Kimberley de Miguel Kimberley de Miguel
    Managing Analyst EMEA, Enhesa Product Intelligence
  15. Latest regulatory developments in Nigeria

    • Chemical Regulatory MDAs in Nigeria
    • Chemical Regulations and Policies in Nigeria
    • Banned Chemicals in Nigeria
    Mathias Bwala Mathias Bwala
    National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA), Nigeria
  16. Exploring chemical management updates in South Africa

    • Overview of EPR in South Africa and development of the EPR Regulations, 2020; 
    • Challenges currently being faced in the implementation of the EPR regulations; 
    • Opportunities and developments. 
    Margo-Ann Werner Margo-Ann Werner
    Legal Director, Pinsent Masons
  17. Q&A

  18. Break

  20. Regulatory updates from the Middle East

    Shimshon Roth Shimshon Roth
    Regulatory and Compliance Analyst, Enhesa Product
  21. Türkiye KKDIK Regulatory updates

    • Background and summary of obligations
    • Registration deadline updates
    • Outlook at what's coming next
    Frederik Johanson Frederik Johanson
    Partner, Sales, REACHLaw, Finland
  22. Rebuilding KKDİK Registration Strategy with the new deadlines

    • Deadline identification & interpreting the SIEF  
    • Uncertainties ahead
    • Preventing Bureaucracy by way of adding actors to access data
    • Cons & pros of the long deadlines
    Melih Babayigit Melih Babayigit
    General Manager, CRAD, Turkey
  23. Q&A

  24. Close of virtual conference