Timings listed in EST (Washington DC)
- Session one: Assessing and managing chemicals under TSCA
High level overview
- Basics of TSCA and the Lautenberg Amendments
- Review of key sections of the law
- Issues to watch in 2024
Kelly Franklin
North America Managing Editor, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence -
Keynote: Update from the EPA
- Historical perspective on chemical innovation and regulation
- Accomplishments under TSCA in the past year
- Future of TSCA implementation
Michal Ilana Freedhoff
Assistant Administrator for OCSPP, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, EPA -
Risk evaluation framework rule
- Overview of EPA’s 2023 proposal to revise its 2017 rule for conducting risk evaluations of existing chemicals under TSCA Section 6
- How EPA will incorporate transparency, flexibility, and science into the rule
- Updates to the Manufacturer Requested Risk Evaluation process
- Business and environmental group reactions to EPA’s proposal
PBT rules
- Proposed (as of November 2023) PBT Rules for PIP (3:1) and DecaBDE
- PBT activities of the First Quarter 2024 looking at strategies and timelines for compliance
- Session two: PFAS Reporting Rule and CDR Reporting
PFAS Reporting Rule
- This presentation will summarize the regulatory requirements of the TSCA § 8(a)(7) PFAS Reporting and Recordkeeping Rule, including its statutory basis, the persons and substances subject to the rule, the reportable data elements, and the timeline to report.
- In addition, the presentation will discuss the “known to or reasonably ascertainable by” legal standard for reporting information under the rule.
Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) Rule
- Entities subject to reporting
- Substances subject to reporting
- Summary of reporting requirements
Enhesa Product service presentation and platform demo
- Session three: Risk Management Proposals and Test Orders
Afternoon moderator
Risk management proposals
- Risk evaluations development; proposed framework rule
- Highlights of first four proposed risk management rules
- Major issues that will be presented in litigation
NGO response to risk management proposals
- EPA has now proposed several risk management rules on the first 10 chemicals receiving risk evaluations under TSCA
- In the coming weeks and months, we will start to see the first final rules, a major milestone in implementing the 2016 TSCA
- Based on the proposals we’ve seen, these rule will be impactful and significantly affect the continued manufacture and use of established commodity chemicals
- This presentation will discuss the key factors that are driving EPA’s design of these rules, the major issues raised by the stakeholders and amendments
Test orders
- TSCA test order update: Are we having fun yet?
- Common challenges
- Strategies for addressing test rules
- Session four: TSCA hot topics
New chemicals: an overview of updates
Kimberly Wise White
Vice President, Regulatory and Scientific Affairs, American Chemistry Council (ACC) -
New chemicals: an industry case study
Robert F. Helminiak
Vice President of Legal and Government Relations, Society of Chemical Manufacturers & Affiliates (SOCMA), USA -
NAMs Developments
- Overview of OPPT’s strategic plan on the use of Alternative Test Methods / New Approach Methods
- Description of Proof-of-Concept Case Study on Integrating Publicly Available Information to Screen Candidates for Chemical Prioritization under TSCA
- Examples of frequently used data sources on the TSCA NAMs list
Close of virtual conference