
Speaker profile

Michael Boucher

Michael Boucher

Partner, Steptoe

Michael Boucher is a partner at the law firm of Steptoe LLP in Washington, D.C. and a graduate of the Georgetown University Law Center. His practice encompasses all aspects of regulation, compliance, and enforcement under the Toxic Substances Control Act, including inspections, subpoenas, and information requests; citizen suits and citizen petitions; administrative litigation under 40 C.F.R. pt. 22; judicial review of agency action under TSCA § 19 and the Administrative Procedure Act; responding to TSCA § 4 test orders; negotiating and implementing TSCA § 5 consent orders and significant new use rules; applying for TSCA § 6(g) exemptions; reporting under the TSCA § 8(a)(7) PFAS Reporting and Recordkeeping Rule and the TSCA § 8(a) Chemical Data Reporting Rule; forming and managing industry task forces to jointly develop and own data; protecting confidential and proprietary data; due diligence in chemical company acquisitions; recalls and reverse distribution involving chemical products; imports and exports; and self-auditing under US EPA’s Audit Policy.