
Speaker profile

Caroline Raine

Caroline Raine

Director, Caroline Raine Chemical Consultancy Limited

Caroline is a chemical legislation expert, with experience of interpreting and implementing EU legislation relating to hazardous chemical substances. Her knowledge and expertise is wide ranging, covering both supply and transport legislation including REACH, Safety Data Sheets, Poison Centres, ADR, COSHH, basically anything related to chemical safety and compliance!

Caroline is very passionate about her work and wants to ensure that everyone is safe in their work with dangerous goods and chemicals and that companies comply fully with the regulations. Caroline will also help companies to save money where perhaps they are overregulating, a good example of this is suggesting that companies transport in Limited Quantities (LQ) (where applicable of course!) thus saving money by not needing to purchase UN approved packaging.

This experience has been developed through consultancy projects and working with both government and specific working groups and trade associations, as well as her time in industry!