
Please note: all timings are listed in CEST, to view start times in your local time zone, please click here. 

  1. Coffee

  2. Welcome and introduction

    Leigh Stringer Leigh Stringer
    Managing Editor, Europe, Chemical Watch News & Insight - by Enhesa
  3. Keynote: EUCSS/Reach revision: State of play given the new parliament

    Martin Hojsík Martin Hojsík
    Vice-president, European Parliament
  4. Q&A

  5. Session 1: Updates from an EU level
  6. The European Commission updates

  7. Trends for regulating chemicals by implementing recently adopted legislation

    Dunja Drmač Dunja Drmač
    Chemicals Legislation (REACH) Manager, Cefic
  8. Refreshment break

  9. ECHA Board of Appeal (BoA) and EU courts: Recent judgments on REACH and CLP cases

    • Litigation trends on REACH and CLP 
    • Recent rulings of the BoA – an evolving case law 
    • Key judgments of EU Courts – a focus on CLP and its classification criteria 
    Thomas Delille Thomas Delille
    Partner, Squire Patton Boggs, Belgium
  10. Q&A

  11. Lunch and networking

  12. Session 2: Recent important developments relating to authorization and restrictions
  13. Context of the EU substitution planning project for hazardous substances

    • REACH authorization and broad restrictions proved resource intensive and difficult to implement, in particular for complex cases where suitability of alternatives depends on company/use-specific considerations 
    • Instead of detailed regulation, the commission is considering substitution planning as a complementary/alternative tool to provide more flexibility for continued use of substances in exchange for industry engagement to invest into alternatives where feasible 
    Otto Linher Otto Linher
    Senior Expert, REACH Unit, DG Grow, European Commission
  14. Scope, content and goals of the project

    • Background to study scope and objectives
    • Methodology and key concepts
    • Milestones and current status 
    David Tyrer David Tyrer
    Technical Director, Environmental Policy and Economics, Logika Group
  15. Problem definition and policy options

    Elke Van Asbroeck Elke Van Asbroeck
    CEO, Apeiron-Team NV
  16. Q&A

  17. Refreshment break

  18. The EU essential use concept (EUC): Definition and plans

    Kastalie Bougas Kastalie Bougas
    Policy Officer, Safe and Sustainable Chemicals, DG Environment, European Commission
  19. One Substance One Assessment (OSOA) and the EUC from an industry perspective

    • OSOA will affect regulatory risk assessment by emphasizing the hazard element and strengthening  ECHA's role: practical implications and thoughts on how to address upcoming challenges  
    • EUC’s practical implementation may be impacted by recent shift of EU priorities towards competitiveness 
    Ales Bartl Ales Bartl
    Partner, Keller and Heckman LLP
  20. Q&A

  21. An NGO view of the EUC as introduction to the panel

    Tatiana Santos Tatiana Santos
    Head of Chemicals Policy, European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Belgium
  22. Panel discussion: How do the different stakeholders see EUC and the future authorisation and restriction processes working?

    Additional panellist:

    Marko Sušnik Marko Sušnik
    Advisor to the Secretary General on Chemicals Policy, SMEunited, and Senior Advisor Chemical Policy, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ), SMEunited / WKÖ
  23. Networking drinks reception

    Join us for relaxed networking with drinks and appetizers alongside our speakers and attendees. 

  24. Close of day one

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