
Please note: all timings are listed in CEST, to view start times in your local timezone, please click here.

  1. Coffee and registration

  2. Welcome and introduction

    Charmaine Russell Charmaine Russell
    Head of Content (Events), Chemical Watch Events & Training - by Enhesa
  4. Responding to consumer concerns on FCM: A Member State perspective

    • Role of Member States in regulation of Food Contact Materials
    • Consumer concerns about food packaging
    • Responding to consumer concerns: official controls
    • Evolution of FCM legislation
    Bernard Hegarty Bernard Hegarty
    Director, Enforcement Policy, Food Safety Authority of Ireland
  5. Key national legislative developments for FCMs

    • Update of the Swiss Printing Inks Ordinance
    • Draft Greek Paper legislation
    • The regulation of Endocrine Disruptors in France
    Hazel O'Keeffe Hazel O'Keeffe
    Partner, Keller and Heckman LLP
  6. Key regulatory updates and emerging developments from outside of Europe

    • Current PFAS regulatory status in the USA at the Federal, and States level
    • MHLW Positive List for FCM in Japan
    • Updates on Mercosur FCM Regulations
    • FCM technical standards in South Korea
    • Draft and updated GB Standards in China for FCM
    Ioan Paraschiv, PhD Ioan Paraschiv, PhD
    Group Leader, Global Food & Food Contact Materials (FFCM) Division, Knoell, Netherlands
  7. Q&A

  8. Refreshment break

  10. Regulatory developments on adhesive FCM

    Neil Finley Neil Finley
    Head of Global Food Safety, Henkel Adhesives, UK
  11. Printing inks for food contact materials

    • Overview over European Regulatory Framework from FCM inks
    • Compliance for Printing Inks and EuPIA Concepts
    • The revisions of the framework and the viewpoint of the packaging ink value chain (PIJITF)
    • German Printing Ink Ordinance and Swiss Ordinance – News, Updates, Critical Points
    Christof Walter Christof Walter
    Food Contact Manager, European Printing Ink Association – EuPIA
  12. Q&A

  13. ASK THE EXPERTS PANEL: The future for non-harmonized sectors

    Neil Finley Neil Finley
    Head of Global Food Safety, Henkel Adhesives, UK
    Christof Walter Christof Walter
    Food Contact Manager, European Printing Ink Association – EuPIA
  14. Lunch and networking

  16. Understanding the FCA Risk Assessment Guidelines version 4.0

    • FCA’s views on the implementation and revision of FCM legislation
    Miguel Angel Prieto Arranz Miguel Angel Prieto Arranz
    Sector Group Manager, Cefic-FCA
  17. Approaches for analysing NIAS from different FCMs: Perspectives from the ILSI expert group

    • Different types of NIAS
    • Why you cannot identify all NIAS
    • Why one analytical strategy will miss some NIAS
    • Today's best practices for risk assessing NIAS
    Peter Oldring Peter Oldring
    Regulatory Affairs Manager, Valspar
  18. Challenge testing and other food contact analysis for EFSA authorization of recycled plastics for food contact application

    • Requirements of the 2022/1616/EC regulation
    • Description of the different analytical tests that need to be done on recycled plastics to ensure safe use for food contact application. The testing strategy notably includes the Challenge test, also named surrogate contaminant test, to address incidental contamination in the incoming feedstock by evaluating the efficacy of the proposed process to remove incidental contaminants and produce recycled plastic that is suitably pure for food-contact applications. Other testing, such as overall migration and specific migration, needs to be performed to ensure the safety of the materials.
    Anne-Sophie Moriceau Anne-Sophie Moriceau
    Product Safety Manager – Materials / Toxicologist, PharmD, Intertek France
  19. Q&A

  20. Close of conference

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