Speaker profile

Rémi Lefèvre
Rémi is Head of Unit Risk Management II at the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), responsible for the Applications for Authorisation process and Socio-Economic Analysis- and Substitution-related activities. Previously he worked at the Submissions and Interaction Directorate of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), where he first led the team in charge of the implementation of the EU PIC Regulation, and was involved in the coordination of the SCIP database-related activities (2019-2021), and later on was Head of the Submission and Processing Unit (2022-2023). Before that he worked in various aspects of the implementation of the REACH Regulation, and in particular its Authorisation and Restriction procedures, both at ECHA and at the Directorate-General for Environment of the European Commission. He has also served in the French administration and is a process engineer by education.