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Coffee and registration
Welcome and introduction by the moderator
- SESSION 1: Overviews
ECHA updates
- Updates overview
- Active substance approval and union authorisation processes
Review programme extension - implications for innovation, sustainability and industry
- Arxada AG
- BPR implementation to date
- Review programme extension and upcoming changes
- Implications for innovation, sustainability and industry
- SESSION 2A: Impacts of the review programme extension - data protection issues
Importance of data protection for the generation of new scientific knowledge
- Under the BPR, responsibility for developing scientific data lies with industry
- Knowledge and control have increased exponentially, while guaranteeing fairness between players
- Article 95(5) BPR on the expiry of data protection for substances still in the review programme destroys this dynamic
- Case study of an active substance in the review programme showing how this creates unfair market conditions
Legal update on data protection issues
- Data challenges from the review programme extension
- Pressure testing your data rights strategy
- Negotiation strategies
Refreshment break and networking
- SESSION 2B: Impacts of the review programme extension - the evaluation process
Experiences with the over conservative evaluation process
- Introduction
- Consequences for resources
- Consequences for costs
- Consequences for timing
ED testing – a contract research organisation’s perspective
- Test strategies for ED
- Experience – wave of ED testing for agrochemical active substances
- Practical experience and lessons learned when testing biocides
Q&A for session 2A and B
Lunch and networking
- SESSION 3: Other recent developments in the European biocides sector
Annual report tracking trends in the Belgian biocides market
- Legal framework
- Situation before October 2022
- Overview of the current annual report
- Special focus: Closed circuit of biocidal products
- Concluding remarks
Kristof Claes
Senior Admin Helpdesk Chemicals & Products, Federal Public Service, Health and Environment, Belgium -
New developments in ED assessment from an evaluating Competent Authority (eCA) perspective
Active substances identified as having ED properties cannot be approved, unless… New elements:
- ED risk assessment – precedents from PPP and biocides areas
- Recent authorities agreements to improve decision-making
- Changes in the ECHA consultation procedure
Products containing a substance with ED properties:
- Regulatory consequences
- Dossier building and other actions authorisation holders should undertake
Take aways from a recent competent authority (CA) seminar on best practice for national authorisations
- Pre-submission meeting
- Quantity report
Gregor Leonhardt
Scientific Officer, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - Federal Office for Chemicals (BAuA) -
First experiences with socio-economic analysis and assessment of alternatives under the BPR
- Key principles governing derogation dossiers for active substances and biocidal products at EU and national level
- Essential use and justification under BPR, Article 5.2
- Supporting tools, alternatives analysis outlook, socio-economic analysis and comparative assessments
- Experience sharing within different product types
- Practical and strategic advice on future submissions
Refreshment break and netwoking
Updates on SPC integration into IUCLID
- Experiences and challenges during the roll out
- Main issues identified after the go-live event in February 2024
- Plans for improvement
Individual Q&A
Networking drinks reception
Join us for relaxed networking, drinks and appetisers with our speakers and attendees
Close of day one