Please note: all timings are listed in EDT, to view start times in your local timezone, please click here.
Welcome and introduction
- Session 1: Understanding federal developments for FCMs
US FDA food contact regulatory overview
- Updates to the food contact notification (FCN) program
- Recycled plastic submissions
FDA Chemistry Guidance revision - what could the future hold?
- The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s Guidance for Industry: Preparation of Premarket Submissions for Food Contact Substances (Chemistry Recommendations), commonly referred to as FDA’s “Chemistry Guidance” document, represents the Agency’s current thinking with regard to the evaluation of food-contact substances (FCMs) in the US.
- This document sets forth many of the foundational principles that the food packaging industry has come to rely upon in evaluating FCMs, including: migration testing and calculation methodologies, evaluation of potential consumer exposure, and recommended approaches for addressing the safety of unique packaging applications.
- FDA is proposing to substantively revise its Chemistry Guidance document for the first time since 2007; these proposed revisions may significantly impact legal and regulatory strategies and approaches for bringing new FCMs to market.
- This presentation will review FDA’s draft recommendations for revision, and discuss the potential impact on the evaluation of FCMs in the US moving forward.
Policies and measures to reduce the environmental impact of plastic food-contact packaging
Q&A session
Refreshment break
- Session 2: Managing chemicals of concern
Maine’s food contact regulations
- From BPA to PFAS, Maine is regulating chemicals in food packaging sold in the State. Along with sales prohibitions, we’ll also discuss Maine’s process for listing Food Contact Chemicals of High Concern.
Kerri Malinowski Farris
Program Manager for Maine’s Safer Chemicals Program, Maine Department of Environmental Protection -
Chemicals of concern for food contact – what is on the horizon?
- Growing concerns about chemicals in plastics, microplastics
- Chemical considerations when shifting to recyclable and compostable single-use food contact products
- Designing sustainable food packaging with safer chemistry
- Avoiding regrettable substitutes & preparing for the future of non-toxic circular systems, including reusable food packaging
Q&A session
Lunch break
Enhesa Product Intelligence service presentation and platform demo
- Session 2: Managing chemicals of concern cont.
PFAS – US legislative updates and test approaches in food contact materials
- Introduction to PFAS
- Regulatory landscape & developments in food packaging and cookware
- Test Approaches
The Understanding Packaging Scorecard: a tool for integrating chemical safety into food packaging sustainability
- Tools and resources for better integration and informing of sustainable food packaging and chemical safety
- Eliminating toxic chemicals in food packaging: the Understanding Packaging (UP) Scorecard approach
- Using the UP scorecard
- UP Scorecard case studies: engaging with the food industry towards full transparency on intentionally added food contact chemicals
Traceability across the packaging value chain
Q&A session
Refreshment break
- Session 3: Risk assessment and management
The regulatory and risk landscape for printing inks for food packaging
- Introduction to NAPIM
- Current U.S. ink market
- Commercial packaging
- U.S. FDA regulations applicable to food packaging
- Direct vs Indirect food additives
- Direct food contact inks
- Functional barriers
- Threshold of regulations
- Testing
- NAPIM/U.S. FDA Interactions
- Projections
George Fuchs
Director – Regulatory Affairs and Technology, National Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers (napim) -
Challenges in the risk assessment of food contact materials
- The presentation will discuss the following challenges and considerations:
- Different countries = different requirements
- Your place in the supply chain provides unique challenges
- The presentation will discuss the following challenges and considerations:
Q&A session
Close of day one