

    Feedback Survey

    Please take a moment to fill out the feedback survey here

  2. An overview of the regulatory requirements; what 'appropriate' information needs to be supplied onwards to the recipient

    What is exposure reduction through use of controls and personal protection

    How can we apply these to industrial, professional and consumer uses

  3. Refreshment break

  4. The relevance of substance DNELs, PNECs and their use in assessing mixtures

    Understanding how the Exposure Scenario is prepared and the use of default data and guidance; is the Exposure Scenario relevant for your mixture

  5. Lunch

  6. Manual estimates and use of models (EUSES / ECETOC / Chesar)

    Exposure estimates (workplace exposure – industrial and professional and also exposure to the general public including secondary exposures via food and water)

  7. Refreshment break

  8. Scaling factors and adapting information for specific sites and uses

    Expected outcome of the communication to recipients

    Throughout the day the use of real-life examples and set exercises will be used to enable the participants to put their new-found knowledge into practice.

  9. Recap, Questions & Close

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