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Registration and coffee
Welcome and introduction
Kelly Franklin
North America Managing Editor, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence - Session 1: TSCA section 6 developments
Update on EPA’s TSCA section 6 activities
- an explanation of EPA’s TSCA section 6 risk evaluation process for existing chemicals;
- a status update on current risk evaluation activities; and
- a discussion of EPA's efforts to gather and review chemical information earlier in the risk evaluation process
Industry perspectives on section 6, focusing on risk evaluations and ECELs
NGO viewpoint including risk management
Legal perspectives including scientific issues and key points in litigation
Extended Q&A session
Refreshment break
- SESSION 2: TSCA developments continued
Overview of TSCA enforcement
- overview of the TSCA enforcement program priorities and focus areas;
- description of recent developments in TSCA enforcement and litigation; and
- significant recent enforcement case resolutions
Greg Sullivan
Director, Waste and Chemical Enforcement Division, US EPA, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, USA -
Updates on TSCA Section 8 reporting rules
- recurring reporting requirements;
- ongoing reporting requirements;
- PFAS reporting rule; and
- reporting rules under development.
TSCA New Chemicals from industry's perspective
Challenges facing industry in the New Chemicals review process
- pre-submission meetings
- industry submissions and EPA review
- what is reasonably foreseeable
- customer uses
- challenges with PMNs vs. LVEs
- EPA decision / regulatory determination
- reasonably foreseeable uses
- base assumption
- significant new use rules
Robert F. Helminiak
Vice President of Legal and Government Relations, Society of Chemical Manufacturers & Affiliates (SOCMA), USA -
New Chemicals from EPA’s perspective
- New chemicals program overview
- background
- review process
- program Improvements
- program statistics
- looking ahead
Q&A session
Lunch and networking
Enhesa Product Intelligence service presentation
Welcome back with the moderator
Terry Hyland
Senior Editor, North America, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence - Session 3: State regulatory trends
US state regulatory trends for 2024 and beyond
- highlights of the 2024 legislation year so far;
- what trends are we seeing; and
- what can we expect moving forward?
California’s Safer Consumer Products (SCP) program: where we’ve been, what’s on the horizon
- brief overview of California’s Safer Consumer Products regulatory framework;
- summary of our current work regulating chemicals in consumer products—identifying new Priority Products, evaluating industry Alternatives Analysis submittals, selecting regulatory responses; and
- looking ahead: the 2024-26 Priority Product Work Plan, new initiatives.
André Algazi
Manager, Chemical and Product Evaluation Branch, California Department of Toxic Substances Control -
State vs. federal chemical regulation: compliment or conflict?
- review of state regulatory action on specific substances;
- contrast with federal efforts to regulate those same substances;
- case studies with substances such as 1,4 Dioxane and 6PPD; and
- lessons learned and path forward
Q&A session
Refreshment break
- Session 4: Other developments
State-level PFAS legislation updates
- most significant state-level PFAS legislation trends in 2024;
- impact on companies of state-level legislation; and
- looking ahead: state legislation ahead in 2025 (and beyond)
Comparing articles in TSCA/GHS/OSHA (when is an article not an article?)
- review the definitions of article according to various regulations of TSCA, OSHA, GHS; and
- explore some recent changes in scope for the definitions
Loper Bright and TSCA: Will the demise of Chevron matter?
- what is Chevron Deference?;
- the Loper Bright decision; and
- implications for EPA, and TSCA in particular.
Q&A session
Networking drinks reception
Join us for relaxed networking, drinks and appetizers with our speakers and attendees.
Close of day one