
Andrew Turley

Science Editor, Chemical Watch News & Insight by Enhesa

Sarah Hale

Senior Researcher, German Water Centre (TZW)

Hélène Duguy

Jurist, Chemicals Project, ClientEarth

Carl Dannenberg

Scientific Officer, Federal Office for Chemicals, BAuA, Germany

Christian Odgaard Hellstrøm

Head of Section, Danish Ministry of Environment

Andreas Windsperger

Scientific Director, Institute for Industrial Ecology, Austria

Nina Janjetović

ESS Manager, Enhesa Sustainable Chemistry

Elna Nilsson

Product Requirement Specialist, IKEA of Sweden

Kim Jansen

Chair Chemicals Working Group, DIGITALEUROPE

Ian Keyte-Bernard

Principal Consultant, WSP

Griet Jacobs

Senior Researcher, VITO

Lisa Skedung

Researcher and Project Manager, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB

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