
Speaker profile

Griet Jacobs

Griet Jacobs

Senior Researcher, VITO

Griet works as researcher in the organic analytical department of Vito. Her main experience and research interests are situated in the development and application of analytical strategies and techniques for the monitoring of organic compounds in water, soil, waste, food, human matrices, biomass and materials. The analytical services carried out under my supervision are on the hand related to research projects in the frame of sustainable chemistry, materials and health and on the other hand to environmental regulatory monitoring.

The central laboratory of VITO hosts the Flemish reference laboratory for environmental monitoring. As such, she acts as a science - policy bridge person and analytical expert for different Flemish agencies dealing with environmental regulatory monitoring and is responsible for the development, validation and publication of organic analytical methods to be applied by the recognized laboratories in the context of Flemish environmental regulatory monitoring.

Since 2021, Griet has been the scientific convener of the working group for soil, soil improvers, manure and waste analysis - organic parameters (Public Waste Agency of Flanders) and since 2021, also the scientific convener of the working group for water analysis - inorganic parameters (Department of the Flemish Government). Since 2022, she has been active as a Belgian expert in the European and International Technical Committee of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), dealing with the development and validation of EN ISO standard procedures. From 2021 onwards, I am member of the scientific REACH comité in Belgium.