
Please note: all timings are listed in EDT, to view start times in your local timezone, please click here.

  1. Welcome and introduction

    Nidia Mariana Calvo Mendez Nidia Mariana Calvo Mendez
    Americas Managing Analyst, Enhesa Product Intelligence
  2. Session 1: Overarching trends in regulatory policies
  3. An industry response to regulatory updates in Latin America

    Ana Giannini Ana Giannini
    Head of Regulatory Affairs and Product Safety for Latin America, Givaudan, Brazil
  4. An NGO perspective on the development of chemicals management regulations across Latin America

    • General view on the chemicals management regulations across Latin America and what is expected with their compliance; 
    • Difficulties faced by complying with the regulations in Latin America: A look at the different stakeholders, the roles played by each of them including the roles played by the NGOs;   
    • Looking ahead: After so many years of having these regulations, not only in Latin America, but also in the rest of the world, the importance they have and in having clear ideas on how to further push them forward.   
    María Isabel Cárcamo María Isabel Cárcamo
    Coordinator, RAPAL Uruguay
  5. Q&A session

  6. Refreshment break

  7. Session 2: Regional developments
  8. Brazil's chemical regulation framework

    • Brazil has made significant progress in its chemical regulation framework with the advancement of a draft law aimed at establishing a National Inventory of Chemical Substances. This draft law, known as PL 6120/19, was approved by the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission (CCJC) in May 2023 and has moved forward to the Federal Senate for further consideration.  
    • The proposed law seeks to create a comprehensive inventory of chemical substances produced or imported into Brazil in quantities of one ton or more annually. It requires companies to submit detailed information on these substances, including their identity, quantities, and intended uses, to the National Register of Chemical Substances managed by Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. The law aims to enhance the management and evaluation of chemical risks, enforce the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of classification and labeling, and regulate new substances entering the market.  
    • If enacted, Brazil will join Chile and Colombia as one of the few Latin American countries with a national chemical management system similar to the European Union's REACH regulation. 
    Camila Boechat Camila Boechat
    General Coordinator on Chemicals Substances, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Brazil
  9. An update on the national chemicals framework in Peru

    • During the presentation, the legal framework that regulates the management of chemical substances in Peru will be detailed, through Legislative Decree No. 1570, as well as;
    • The main objectives of the standard;
    • The scope of its application, and;
    • The mechanisms established to guarantee the protection of human health and the environment against the risks associated with the use of hazardous chemical substances according to the Draft Regulation.
    Sonia Kathleen Farro Rios Sonia Kathleen Farro Rios
    Chemical Management Specialist, Ministry of Environment, Peru
  10. Chemicals regulatory developments in Colombia

    • An introduction about the Frameline development of the Chemical management in Colombia;
    • Development and implementation of the National Inventory of Chemical Substances of Industrial Use. (Decree 1630 of 2021);
    • Resolution 839 of 2023: Regulation for the PRTR in Colombia and the development of the IT platform for the reporting of PRTR information.
    Natalia Alejandra Uscátegui Ruiz Natalia Alejandra Uscátegui Ruiz
    Chemical Engineer, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Colombia
  11. Q&A session

  12. Lunch break

  13. Demo

  14. Session 3: Regional developments continued
  15. Chemical sector regulatory updates in Chile

    • The Chemical Sector in Chile: The relevance of the industry and the Chilean government strategies in the field; 
    • Current regulation and expected new rules: the most relevant legislation and decrees, and expected regulation; 
    • Main conclusions and results from the enactment of the Notification process: how the first notification process of chemicals industrial use substances have been carried out so far; 
    • Regulatory trends and future challenges: The novelties we see in the industry and chemicals market, including the environmental concerns around the chemical industry, the recent movements towards a stronger regulation of chemicals, and the alignment of the country’s policies with international standards. 
    Felipe Massardo Felipe Massardo
    Senior Associate in the Energy, Natural Resources & Environmental practice area, DLA Piper, Chile
  16. Regulatory updates Argentina

    Pablo Crimer Pablo Crimer
    Legal Senior associate, Environmental law expert, Bruchou & Funes de Rioja
  17. Q&A session

  18. Refreshment break

  19. Session 4: Understanding the new national chemical inventories
  20. The role of the foreign manufacturers under the new national chemical inventory regulations

    • REACH-inspired regulations are already adopted and registration underway in Chile and Colombia.  Peru has adopted its own version – and an implementing regulation is overdue. Brazil “REACH” is moving with energy through the Senate. Rumor has it that Argentina will be working on its proposal again.   
    • What does all this mean for foreign chemical manufacturers who sell their products into Latin America? How can they ensure continued market access for their products?
    • This presentation will review the regulatory requirements of registration, the adoption (or not) of Only Representative schemes, the protection (if any) for CBI, and what special challenges are faced by foreign chemical manufacturers – including potential strategies to ensure continued market access. 
    Melissa Owen Melissa Owen
    Founder / Attorney, AMBIENTELEGAL USA
  21. Panel discussion: new national chemical inventory regulations

  22. Close of day one

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