
Timings are in BST (London)

  1. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging

    Over the four hours the course will cover:  

    • What is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR);
    • EPR product scope (incl. exemptions and scope categorisation);
    • Companies obligated under EPR systems;
    • Producer Responsibility Organisations (PROs);
    • EPR enforcement (incl. enforcement possibilities and examples);
    • Other miscellaneous EPR mechanisms (i.e., eco-modulated EPR fees, reporting requirements, design for recyclability requirements);
    • Brief overview of packaging EPR systems in three key regions (UK, USA, & EU).

    There will be a one hour break in-between

    Jordan Girling Jordan Girling
    Head of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), WRAP
  2. Finish