**Note: timings are in EDT**
Welcome and introduction
Terry Hyland
Senior Editor, North America, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence - Session one: Regulatory updates
Keynote Keynote: TSCA Updates from the EPA
TSCA chemical data reporting (CDR) 2020: Something old, something new
- Update on the current reporting window
- Update on the small business definition
TSCA fees
- Upcoming rulemaking on fee exemptions
- Overview of self-identification process
- Strategies for payment: How are consortia dividing up fees between participants?
TSCA new chemical programme
- Changes under the LCSA
- Their Impact on the Chemical Industry
- Practical Considerations and Recommendations
TSCA new chemical programme statistics and pre-manufacture notice (PMN) status
- Programme statistics: update on PMN 'backlog' and EPA new chemical review efforts
- A reflection on PMN submissions since the new higher fees took effect
Chemical Watch platform and service demonstration
- Session two: Risk management and evaluation
A reflection on recent risk evaluations: NGO perspective
Is the EPA risk evaluation process effectively protecting the public?
- The impact of the SACC peer review process
- Gaps in the EPA evaluations
- Important policy and legal issues
Bob Sussman
Counsel, Safer Chemicals Healthy Families, and Principal, Sussman and Associates, United States -
Preview of emerging issues on the next 20 risk evaluations: Lessons learned from the first 10
- Should we expect the EPA to issue test orders and make other efforts to fill data gaps?
- What role are industry consortia playing in this process?
- Session three: Confidential business information (CBI) under TSCA, enforcement and litigation
CBI substantiation overview
- Issues that could cause the EPA to drop a chemical identity confidentiality claim and what recourse companies have to stop this
- An insight into CBI’s upfront substantiation requirements
Enforcement and litigation issues including enforcement during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Session four: Stakeholder perspectives and outlooks
Covid 19 – the impact of the coronavirus on TSCA
Reflections on four years of implementing the Lautenberg Amendments: a former EPA insider’s perspective and advice
Stakeholder panel: A look to the future
Q&A and conference wrap-up
Chemical Watch