
Please note: all timings are BST. To check your local timezone and add the event to your calendar, please click here.

  1. Part 1: A global outlook on UK market access post-transition period
  2. Introduction

  3. The UK-EU Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (CFTA): where does the UK want to get to?

  4. The UK’s ambitions for global chemicals trade

  5. Regulatory divergence versus the level playing field: what are the implications for UK manufacturing?

    Sam Lowe Sam Lowe
    Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Reform
  6. Panel discussion

  7. Break

  8. Part 2: Challenges for UK chemical exporters
  9. Global market access challenges for UK chemical trade

    Peter Newport Peter Newport
    Chief Executive Officer, Chemical Business Association
  10. How will the EU enforce its standards on chemical and product imports from non-EU countries?

  11. The future of UK/US trade talks

    Ed Brzytwa Ed Brzytwa
    Director of International Trade, American Chemistry Council
  12. Global outlook: An update on the UK’s trade talks around the world

    Chloe Alexander Chloe Alexander
    Senior campaigner, CHEM Trust
  13. Examples of existing UK trade agreements and how they affect chemicals

    Gerard McElwee Gerard McElwee
    Partner, EU Regulatory, Fieldfisher LLP
  14. Panel discussion

  15. Close of virtual conference