Speaker profile

Vicky Brock
Vicky co-founded Vistalworks in response to a 2018 Scottish Government innovation challenge seeking a technology solution to reduce demand for illicitly traded goods online, after enforcement agencies realised that targeting the supply-side alone could not sufficiently reduce growing global volumes of online illicit trade and associated illegal financial flows.
She was named Inspiring Woman of the Year at the 2019 Scotland Women in Technology Awards,Scotland’s Most Inspiring Business Person of 2017 & Innovator of the Year at the Everywoman in the 2014 Technology Awards. Her previous software firm was named Top Tech Startup In Europe by the European Commission. She is a Board Director Emeritus of the Digital Analytics Association, Women’s Enterprise Scotland Ambassador & NXD of the Open Knowledge Foundation. She completed the MIT SloanSchool of Management Entrepreneurship Development Program in 2013 and studied at Kings College, London.