Speaker profile

Guilhem de Seze
Guilhem de Seze joined the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on 1 September 2016 as Head of the Scientific Evaluation of Regulated Products (REPRO) Department - a Department providing independent scientific advice on pre-marketing risk assessment of substances, products and processes intended for use in the food chain, and substantiation of claims made on foods.
From 2008 he worked for the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in Helsinki, where in 2011 he became a Head of Unit, first for Substance Identification and Data Sharing, and then for Evaluation; both units were in charge of assessing scientific and technical information about chemical substances and their hazardous properties.
Before this, Guilhem worked in the field of hazardous chemicals management in academia and in the chemical industry for over ten years. He holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Louisiana State University, USA, specialising in environmental exposure to pollutants.