Speaker profile

Malene Teller Blume
Coop is the biggest retailer in DK with a market share on 34%. Malene is responsible for Coop’s Quality for all Food and Safety programme for non-food consumer products. She is also responsible for Coops Chemical Strategy.
Coop has a long and proud tradition of concern about harmful chemicals, and for many years it has set up requirements which go beyond the legislation. Coop has especially focused on using the precautionary principle. In regards fluorinated compounds Coop have banned the harmful substances in all private labels, both for food contact materials, and for textiles. Coop has also banned all bisphenoles from cans and we have now found substitutions for more than 100 products of cans.
The company do not think that the legislation covers the risk for the consumers and environment, especially not when it comes to EDC´s and per-fluorinated compounds, so they have banned all PFC's in food packaging and textiles.