- Session 1: Focus on North America
Keynote address - US EPA Antimicrobial Division
- Priorities for FY’19
- Registration Review Status
- EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX) Portal
- Antimicrobial Testing Program Update
- Stakeholder Involvement
An update on the activities of California EPA/DPP
- Overview of the California Department of Pesticide Regulation - focus on the registration process
- DPR Sanitizer Safety Outreach Program
An update on Proposition 65
Enforcement by the EPA
Enforcement of antimicrobials in California
Michel Oriel
Senior Environmental Scientist (Supervisory), California Department of Pesticide Regulation -
Antimicrobial Pesticides: Regulatory Update and Method Development Initiatives
- Antimicrobial Pesticides
- Regulatory summary
- Updates to EPA guidance
- New initiatives
- Product efficacy – method development activities
- Efforts with ASTM
- Quantitative Methods
- Antimicrobial Pesticides
Active Substance Approval in the US and EU
- Active ingredient Definition in North America and the European Union
- Application for Active ingredient authorisation
- Common active ingredients in America and the EU
- Biocidal Product definition in North America and the European Union
- Application for biocidal product authorisation
- Requirements: NA vs.EU
- Timeline: NA vs. EU
- Investment NA vs. EU
Medical devices and the EPA/FDA Interface
- What is a medical device?
- FDA & EPA’s authority over medical devices
- Defining intended use of device -- distinguishing between critical, semi-critical and non-critical devices
Environmental Assessments & Endangered Species: Copper Case Study
- Use and benefits of antifouling coatings
- Consideration of environmental benefits
- Quantification of environmental concentrations and effects
- Method of assessing leach rates from antifouling coatings
- Utilization of leach rate data and the MAMPEC model
- EPA and state approaches to regulate copper antifouling coatings
- Recommendation for a Comprehensive Regulatory Approach
Neal Blossom
Director of Quality Assurance and Global Regulatory Affairs, American Chemet Corporation, Chairman of the American Chemistry Council Copper Antimicrobial Task Force -
Global regulatory implications on product development and introductions
A. Product Development is a multi-stage process:
- Idea stage
- feasibility/market assessment
- regulatory evaluation
- assessment
- test market
- Introduction
B. Regulatory Role
- Involves an assessment of:
- Actives
- formulants
- Market or region marketed
- product purpose
- Cost
C. Case Example
Emerging Issues and Areas of Concern for Antimicrobials
Close of Day One