Exhibitor Profile

TSG Consulting
www.tsgconsulting.comTSG Consulting provides companies with high-quality regulatory and scientific consulting services. We help clients worldwide address the technical and regulatory issues in taking products to market in multiple jurisdictions.
In Europe, TSG has many years of experience working on active substance applications to gaining product registrations throughout the EU for a wide range of products and use areas. We are very familiar with the requirements for the various applications types and have extensive experience of using ECHA web based tools such as R4BP and IUCLID. We liaise with regulatory authorities on behalf of clients during pre-submission meetings and throughout the dossier evaluation process.
TSG’s specialist studying monitoring team is dedicated to advising clients in their choice of CRO. We support clients in the commissioning of studies with internationally reputable laboratories, ensuring that studies are conducted according to relevant international guidelines.
TSG is a Science Group company.