
  1. Breakfast roundtable: How best to leverage product compliance information in your sustainability program?

    Presented by Marina Dorileo Barros, Content Incubation Manager, Enhesa 

  2. Welcome and introduction

    by the moderator

    David Dillon David Dillon
    Independent Biocides Expert
  3. Session 4: Revision of CLP and sector legislation
  4. State of play and next steps for CLP and Reach revisions

    Otto Linher Otto Linher
    Senior Expert, REACH Unit, DG Grow, European Commission
  5. New hazard classes for CLP updates and their consequences

    • Overview of the new hazard classes
    • Impacts for business and on protection on human health and the environment
    • Ongoing discussion at UN GHS
    Sylvain Bintein Sylvain Bintein
    REACH and CLP Team Leader, European Commission
  6. New hazard classes for CLP updates and their consequences – an industry perspective

    • Impacts of new hazard classes for the household cleaning products sector 
    • A globally harmonised system? Work at UN GHS level 
    • Other key elements of CLP revision  
    Jan Robinson Jan Robinson
    Scientific & Regulatory Affairs Director, International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products, A.I.S.E.
  7. Interplay: CLP and Reach revisions

    • CLP hazard classes and what we need from REACH to deliver on EU chemicals strategy aims 
    • `Waiting for REACH´: CHEM Trust and EEB report on the impacts of the REACH revision delay 
    • Need for better protection: results from EU-wide human biomonitoring studies (HBM4EU), including PFAS 
    • Addressing combination effects from chemical mixtures in REACH with a MAF 
    Ninja Reineke Ninja Reineke
    Head of Science, CHEM Trust
  8. Refreshments

  9. Q&A and panel discussion on CLP and Reach revisions

  10. Revision and consultation of cosmetics Regulation

    Gerald Renner Gerald Renner
    Director Technical Regulatory & International Affairs, Cosmetics Europe, Belgium
  11. Revision of the detergents Regulation

    • Overview of the proposal from Aise’s perspective
    • Predicted impacts on the industry
    Cindy Chhuon Cindy Chhuon
    Scientific & Regulatory Affairs Manager, International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products, A.I.S.E.
  12. Revision of the toy safety Directive

    • Main concerns with unsafe toys  
    • TIE’s views on the revision of the toy safety Directive 
    •  Market surveillance, chemicals, online sales 
    Lars Vogt Lars Vogt
    Director EU Policy, TIE – Toy Industries of Europe
  13. Lunch

  14. Beyond the CSS promises – what sector legislation needs to deliver for consumers

    • Scene-setter: the CSS – consumers and chemicals 
    • Generic Approach to Risk Assessment (GRA) – how to implement it in sector legislation and beyond, also interlink with REACH 
    • Empowering consumers – how to improve communication of product information, including digital labelling 
    • Zero tolerance for non-compliance – including for imports and online sales 
    Pelle Moos Pelle Moos
    Senior Safety and Health Policy Officer, Team Leader, BEUC (The European Consumer Organisation), Belgium
  15. Q&A and panel discussion on revision of sector legislation

  16. Refreshments

  17. Session 5: UK updates
  18. Latest UK updates – the Chemicals Strategy

    • Background to the UK chemicals strategy 
    • Key issues and themes 
    • Looking forward 
    Mary Tomlinson Mary Tomlinson
    Head of Chemicals Strategy, Defra
  19. Divergence between the EU and the UK

    • Divergence areas in relation to chemicals regulations 
    • Effect on UK REACH and other regulations 
    • Practical steps to regulatory compliance 
    Iain A MacKinnon Iain A MacKinnon
    Managing Director, Dr Knoell Consult Ltd.
  20. Regulatory considerations for maintaining market access in the UK

    • UK REACH: transitional measures and impacts to industry 
    • UK CLP: requirements for Great Britain 
    • UK, GB or NI: working with the Northern Ireland Protocol 
    Neil Hollis Neil Hollis
    Regulatory Affairs Manager, BASF
  21. Final Q&A

  22. End of conference

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