Please note timings are in Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Registration and refreshments
Welcome and introduction
by the moderator
- Session 1: Overviews on regulatory developments
The European Commission updates on CSS
Echa update – preparing for implementation of new legislative requirements
- What might change
- Opportunities and challenges ahead
- How to use our experience to best effect
The essential use concept – criteria to phase out non-essential uses of the most harmful chemicals
- Reminder on the proposed scope of the essential use concept
- Proposed high level criteria for the essential use concept and further guidance on those
- Possible options to introduce the essential use concept in REACH and other EU legislation
- Expected main impacts of introducing the essential use concept in REACH
Kastalie Bougas
Policy Officer and Economist, Safe and Sustainable Chemicals, DG Environment, European Commission -
Can the REACH revision satisfy all stakeholders? The chemical industry perspective
- Progress achieved, key expectations from industry and remaining uncertainties
- Concerns, especially regarding the essential use concept, the generic approach to risk management, grouping and new obligations, such as polymer registration
- Areas deemed to be controversial between stakeholders
The CSS, no piece of cake for SMEs
- Why does the CSS matter for SMEs?
- What are the challenges?
- What are the opportunities?
Marko Sušnik
Advisor to the Secretary General on Chemicals Policy, SMEunited, and Senior Advisor Chemical Policy, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ), SMEunited / WKÖ -
Q&A and panel discussion, including different stakeholders’ perspectives on the essential use concept
Additional panelist:
Chemical Watch demo
- Session 2: Developing concepts for application under REACH
The future of polymer registration
- Notification of polymers: purpose and information required
- Registration of polymers requiring registration: purpose and process
- Amendments to REACH revision 2023 on polymers
Mixture assessment and role of the mixtures assessment factor (MAF)
- The mixtures problem
- Addressing the problem: the mixtures assessment factor (MAF)
- Possible implementation of the MAF in REACH
- Session 3: Restriction roadmap – one year on
Overall strategy for restrictions on flame retardants
- Motivation: avoiding regrettable substitution and increasing predictability
- Looking back and status quo: flame retardants under REACH and the Stockholm Convention
- Content: substance groups potentially in scope, priorities, challenges
Update on new general PFAS restriction proposal
- Short introduction on the restriction process so far
- Overview of the concerns over PFAS and contents of the proposal
- Next steps in the proposal, with emphasis on the consultation phase that runs until 25 September
Thijs de Kort
Coordinator REACH Restrictions and Authorisations / NL Project Manager UPFAS Restriction, Bureau REACH, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands -
Update on bisphenols restriction proposal
- Setting the scene: bisphenols regulation under REACH and CLP
- Considerations on the restriction proposal
- Status of the process and way forward
Christian Unkelbach
Scientific Officer, Federal Institute for Occupational Health and Safety, Germany -
Restriction proposal for microplastics (intentional use) and consequences
Q&A and panel discussion
End of day one/drinks reception