
  1. ECHA Database for SVHCs in Article containing Candidate List substances: background, status and main challenges ahead

    Aidan Turnbull Aidan Turnbull
    Director, BOMcheck, UK
    Rémi Lefèvre Rémi Lefèvre
    Head of Unit Risk Management II, ECHA
  2. Session 3: Focus on North America
  3. IEC TC 111 - The International Electronics Industry Standards body - IEC 62474

    • Scope
    • Goals
    • Challenges
    • Needs
    Scott MacLeod Scott MacLeod
    Principal Chemist, UL LLC
  4. End of life issues in North America

    Anne Peters Anne Peters
    President, Gracestone, Inc.
  5. Q&A

  6. Refreshments

  7. Electronics waste in Canada

    Aury Hathout Aury Hathout
    President and Lab Quality Manager, Enviropass Expertise Inc, Canada
  8. NGO Perspective

    Mark Rossi Mark Rossi
    Executive Director, Clean Production Action
  9. Industry panel - how is industry addressing environmental/human health performance leadership

    The panel will each address the following questions:

    • What’s most important in maintaining compliance in such a dynamic regulatory – and      customer-demand – environment?
    • What’s most challenging about it?
    • Where and how should the industry work more closely together
    • Where can we compete more, and what standards are needed to drive that competition?
    Susanne Gallivan Susanne Gallivan
    Materials Environmental Program Manager, Americas Region, HP Inc
    Pamela Gordon Pamela Gordon
    Director of Partnerships, Presidio Graduate School, Chair of iNEMI Eco-Design Roadmap
  10. Q&A

  11. Lunch

  12. EPEAT - panel session

    EPEAT is the leading global ecolabel for the IT sector. The EPEAT program provides independent verification of manufacturers’ claims and the EPEAT online Registry lists sustainable products from a broader range of manufacturers than any comparable ecolabel. National governments, including the United States, and thousands of private and public institutional purchasers around the world use EPEAT as part of their sustainable procurement decisions.

    Panel to include:

    Lindsay Fernandez-Salvador Lindsay Fernandez-Salvador
    EPEAT Program Director, Green Electronics Council
    Zach Guthrie Zach Guthrie
    EPEAT Program Manager, UL Environment
    John Katz John Katz
    Polution Prevention Coordinator, US Environmental Protection Agency
  13. Chemicals, The Electronics Industry and Control: Why A New Discipline is Needed

    Michael Kirschner Michael Kirschner
    President, Design Chain Associates, LLC, United States
  14. Q&A

  15. Close of conference

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