Coffee and Registration
- Session 1: External Global Drivers - Keynote Session
Industry perspectives:
Megatrends in the chemical and downstream industries
European chemical industry towards the mid century
- Technological trends and developments that will shape Europe and the chemical industry
- Evolving business models
- Value chain and sectoral interconnection
- Leading to a circular and sustainable society with the European chemical industry at the heart
Global Chemicals Outlook II: Key insights for the future of chemicals and waste management
- GCO II launched in March 2019 detailing progress in the implementation of the globally agreed 2020 goal
- Also features options for action for implementation in the near future and before 2030, the time frame of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.
- Important aspect to advance private sector governance for sustainable supply chain management, ensure chemicals information flow & full material disclosure throughout supply chains and broader product life cycle, including the recycling sector.
Achim Halpaap
Special Advisor, Chemicals and Health Branch, Economy Division, UN Environment, Switzerland -
Global trends in addressing chemical pollution
- Chemical pollution: a global issue and life cycle view
- Chemical pollution: cocktail of chemical mixtures from multiple exposure pathways
- Examples: plastics, micro-plastics, and chemicals
- Chemical pollution: gaps to be addressed
Bringing new chemicals to market: understanding the EU and US regulatory systems
- How do the EU and US regulations differ and where are they the same, in particular for new chemicals?
- Does this matter for our respective industries in the long run and for health and the environment?
- Where do opportunities exist for collaboration, sharing of information and harmonization?
Has the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) made a difference so far? – a panel discussion
Brief round-up on SAICM & Sustainable Development Goals
Achim Halpaap, Senior Advisor, Chemicals and Waste Branch, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Switzerland
- Have countries and businesses taken action on chemicals management as a direct result of SAICM?
Panel to include:
Achim Halpaap
Special Advisor, Chemicals and Health Branch, Economy Division, UN Environment, Switzerland -
- Session 2: corporate drivers – the use of data for innovation
Case study - using internal data for research and development, procurement and customer services
- A data-driven sustainability assessment of products, strategies, and actions of a business can drive innovation
- Measuring progress is complex, with multiple issues and indicators across the life cycle of products
- Dow has developed and implemented an annual process that focuses on four themes: product risks, addressing world challenges, strategy and recognition, and value chain engagement
- Linked to our sustainability goals, the process promotes dialogue, actions, and improvements by business units and raises sustainability awareness in the company and beyond
Case study - using data for complying with different jurisdictions
- Session 3: Corporate Drivers - Substance tracking
Systems for substance tracking - the ECHA database for substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in articles
- Background of the database
- Introduction to the project
- Goals
- Current state of play
Industry perspective on ECHA database for substances of very high concern (SVHC)s in articles
Case study - Zero discharge of hazardous chemicals (ZDHC) blockchain project combining product compliance and sustainable chemistry
Frank Michel
Executive Director, ZDHC Foundation, Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals, The Netherlands -
Towards globally harmonized communication in the supply chain on substances in articles
Martin Führ
Professor for Public Law, Comparative Law and Legal Theory, sofia/Darmstadt University for Applied Sciences, Germany -
- Session 4: Panel discussion
Panel discussion - The future post-2020
- What will be the key drivers and trends for chemicals management in global supply chains post-2020?
- How should businesses prepare to respond to these?
Frank Michel
Executive Director, ZDHC Foundation, Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals, The NetherlandsAchim Halpaap
Special Advisor, Chemicals and Health Branch, Economy Division, UN Environment, Switzerland -
Close of Day One/Cocktails