- Session 1: Developments in Asia continued
Updates on Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia and Singapore
- Overview on Chemical Control Legislation in Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia and Singapore
- Recent updates
- Challenges
Piyatida (Tung) Pukclai
Asia-Pacific Business Development & Regulatory Policy Lead, knoell, Thailand -
Regulatory updates from Vietnam
Regulatory updates from India
Updates from Australia and New Zealand: The new Australian Industrial Chemical Introduction Scheme and NZ Hazardous Substance changes
- An overview of the new scheme - Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS). Are you ready?
- NZ EPA are proposing to update the current HSNO classification system to a more recent version of the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling (GHS)
- Session 2: Global developments
REACH update: Current issues
- EU Action plan to ensure compliance
- Enforcement focus
- Next steps: what do we expect from now on?
A UK lawyer's perspective on Brexit and UK chemicals regulation: Is the UK prepared? A video presentation
Status of REACH risk management programmes (authorisation and restrictions)
Regulatory Landscape in The Americas
- The Canada CMP
- Latin America
Updates from the Middle East - a video presentation
Michael S. Wenk
Senior Manager – Product Risk and Registration, Global Product Risk, Vanderbilt Global Services, LLC -
- Where are we now with the development of 2nd tier legislative acts and authorities
- Importance of Inventory Notification
- Registration process of existing chemicals and New substances notification
- Updated SDS requirements
- Open questions and hurdles for foreign companies
Update on activities at APEC
Cissie Yeung
Product Regulatory, Compliance & Advocacy Manager, SEA Region, and SCIC, Industry Co-chair of ARCP,, Shell Eastern Petroleum, Singapore -
Reflections on global data sharing
Close of summit