
Please note times are in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and to view in your local time, please click here. 

  1. Welcome and introduction by the moderator

    David Dillon David Dillon
    Independent Biocides Expert
  2. Session 1: Recent global developments
  3. PFAS regulatory updates at the global level

    • Addition of PFHxS to the Stockholm Convention 
    • Assessment of the long-chain PFCAs at the Stockholm POPs Review Committee 
    • Latest developments under the Basel Convention and Rotterdam Convention 
    Peter Dawson Peter Dawson
    Principal Scientist, Environmental Protection Authority, New Zealand

    Regional overviews

  5. Regulatory focus 

    • Europe 
    • The Americas, including Canada and Brazil 
    • Asia Pacific  
    Sok-Han Ng Sok-Han Ng
    Expert Service & Solution (ESS) Manager, Japan, Enhesa Product Intelligence

    and co-presenter


    PFAS in your operations: key considerations and legislative updates for manufacturers

    • Emissions pathways 
    • EU and US regulatory insights 
    • Industry considerations 
    Kamelija Milosev Kamelija Milosev
    Subject Matter Expert - Chemicals, Enhesa
  8. Challenges with the UPFAS restriction from the automotive sector

    • Context and regulation schedule 
    • European automotive industry response to the public consultation: Impacts of the derogations, requested timings from the automobile industry  
    • Resilience approach: Start preparing right now with the whole supply chain and identify where PFAS are 
    Philippe Rolland Philippe Rolland
    Representative, European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA)
  9. Q&A and panel

  10. Refreshment break

  11. Session 2: Recent European developments
  12. Best available techniques reference documents: their contribution on the use/emissions of less hazardous substances, PFAS as a case example

    • General procedure to derive best available techniques for associated emission levels
    • Work program
    • Case example of PFAS in different industrial sectors 
    Simón Gutiérrez Alonso Simón Gutiérrez Alonso
    Scientific Officer, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
  13. EU updates: The bridge between the universal restriction proposal and solution providers

    • Policy developments 
    • What companies are doing? 
    • Where they are struggling? 
    • Emerging solutions 
    Sidsel Dyekjær Sidsel Dyekjær
    Chemicals Policy Adviser, ChemSec
  14. Challenges and opportunities for the electro and digital industry in responding to PFAS regulations

    • At a glance… 
    • The German electro and digital industry association (ZVEI) assessment of the UPFAS restriction proposal and key demands 
    • PFAS and other chemicals in the electro and digital industry
      • challenges
      • opportunities 
    • PFAS-containing technologies for the EU's path to a climate-neutral society based on the European Green Deal, by ZVEI, VDA and VDMA 
    • Selected examples of PFAS applications in the electro and digital industry 
    Kirsten Metz Kirsten Metz
    Senior Manager Chemicals and Environmental Policy, German Electro and Digital Industry Association (ZVEI)
  15. Q&A and panel

  16. Lunch

  17. Enhesa Product service presentation and platform demo

  18. Session 3: Key debates at the science-policy interface


    Julia John Julia John
    North America Desk Editor, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence
  20. Should regulators differentiate between fluoropolymers and other PFAS?

    • What is a PFAS/fluoropolymer?  
    • What are the sources?   
    • Health effects – animals and people 
    • Remediation   
    Linda Birnbaum Linda Birnbaum
    Scientist Emeritus and Former Director; Scholar in Residence, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and National Toxicology Program (NTP); Duke University
  21. PFAS in drinking water: Challenges and opportunities

    • Overview of PFAS contamination of drinking water sources
    • Current approaches to the management of PFAS contamination by water utilities
    • Challenges to investment and funding for water treatment infrastructure  
    Stephanie Metzger Stephanie Metzger
    Policy Adviser, Sustainable Chemicals, Royal Society of Chemistry
  22. Evidence of why a class-based approach must be used to restrict PFAS globally

    • PFAS are released at all stages of the lifecycle of PFAS-containing products
    • Case study: PFAS in the textile lifecycle  
    • PFAS listed under the Stockholm Convention and new PFAS detected in studies
    • Need for compliance and prevention of regrettable substitution
    Sara Brosché Sara Brosché
    Science Adviser, International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN)
  23. The listing of a PFAS category under the Toxics Use Reduction Act (TURA)

    • Summary of the science we reviewed to justify a category
    • What we have learned from early filers
    • How we connect filers to research resources for alternatives
    • Overall lessons learned from this policy action
    Heather Tenney Heather Tenney
    TURA Program Manager, Toxics Use Reduction Institute
  24. Q&A and panel


    Alternatives panel moderator

    Martin Mulvihill Martin Mulvihill
    Co-Founder, Safer Made
  26. Alternatives panel: How to accelerate the transition to PFAS free chemistry in sectors where it’s harder to substitute

    • Who do you need at the table to develop PFAS alternatives in your sector? 
    • What were the performance characteristics of the PFAS to be substituted? 
    • What key milestones must you achieve to support the adoption of your PFAS-free technology?  
    • What sort of support capital, regulatory, industry would you need to see a full transition away from the current PFAS chemistry? 


    Benjamin Britton Benjamin Britton
    Founder & CTO, Ionomr Innovations Inc.
    Christopher Christuk Christopher Christuk
    President, Transene Company Inc.
  27. Refreshment break

  28. Session 4: Recent North American developments
  29. Recent PFAS-related activities under TSCA and EPA updates on newly issued PFAS test orders

    • Background information 
    • Agency-level accomplishments 
    • Definition 
    • Rulemaking and related regulatory activities 
    • National testing strategy 
    • Packaging issues 
    Jeffrey L Dawson Jeffrey L Dawson
    Senior Science Adviser, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP), US EPA
  30. State level developments in Washington: Cycle 1.5 updates

    • Pollution prevention and PFAS 
    • Regulatory programs for PFAS in consumer products in Washington
    • Current regulations on PFAS in consumer products in Washington
    • Future actions and how to stay informed 
    Marissa Smith Marissa Smith
    Senior Regulatory Toxicologist, Washington State Department of Ecology
  31. State-level developments in Minnesota: Amara’s law

    •  Minnesota is prioritising PFAS pollution prevention 
    • Amara’s law phases out avoidable PFAS use in the state by 2032 
    • Implementation will include rulemakings with important opportunities for public comment 
    Kirk Koudelka Kirk Koudelka
    Assistant Commissioner, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
  32. PFAS: Regulatory update in Canada

    • How PFAS are defined 
    • Issues surrounding the substances
    • Status of the regulations in Canada 
    Dan Bastien Dan Bastien
    Senior Director and Head of Chemicals, Intertek, Canada
  33. Q&A and panel

    Joined by 

    Ryan Schmit Ryan Schmit
    Senior Advisor, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, United States Environmental Protection Agency
  34. End of conference