
Please note: all timings are listed in CET, to view start times in your local time zone, please click here. 

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  1. Registration and coffee

  2. Welcome and introduction


    Kimberley de Miguel Kimberley de Miguel
    Managing Analyst EMEA, Enhesa Product Intelligence
  3. Session 1: Understanding the corporate sustainability landscape
  4. Interface between product sustainability and corporate sustainability goals

    • Corporate sustainability is a multi-faceted topic and there are almost as many definitions as there are interested parties. Navigating this ocean of regulations, guidance, reporting standards, frameworks and acronyms is a complex and ever changing challenge. However, there are some certainties:
      • Sustainability is here to stay and is no longer an aspiration, it is business driver with its own impacts, risks and opportunities
      • Corporate sustainability reporting is becoming more and more codified
      • Stakeholders across the value and supply chains from investors to consumers are becoming much more educated and vociferous as to their expectations
      • Sustainable products, strategic sustainability objectives and regulatory compliance are completely intertwined
    • In this session we will focus on the regulatory compliance obligations driving this interface.
    Mary Foley Mary Foley
    Expert Services Strategy Director, Enhesa
  5. The Green Deal evolution: The impact of EUDR, CSRD & CSDDD for business

    • Background and context for this new wave of EU regulation: EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) 
    • Risk or Opportunity?
    • What in practice it has meant
    Peter Sellar Peter Sellar
    Partner, EU Regulatory, Fieldfisher Brussels
  6. Beyond sustainability compliance: Experiences from the Italian coatings industry

    • Assovernici and its commitment to sustainability
    • Relevance of the Assovernici sustainability report and key findings
    • Beyond compliance: how the report stimulates companies in their sustainability journey
    Paolo Bonamigo Paolo Bonamigo
    Regulatory and Technical Manager, Assovernici
  7. Q&A session

  8. Refreshment break

  9. Session 2: Key updates on regulations and frameworks
  10. Policy update on ESPR and SSbD recommendations

  11. SSbD principles: The Cefic guidance on implementation into the industrial innovation process and BASF experiences with the European Commission framework

    • Experiences and learnings from testing JRC’s SSbD framework on industrial innovation processes
    • Lifting synergies with existing sustainability assessment tools such as Portfolio Sustainability Assessment (PSA) by WBCSD
    • Cefic’s industry guidance to approach development of Safe and Sustainably by Design solutions that are safe and provide environmental, social, or economic benefits
    Wibke Lölsberg Wibke Lölsberg
    Project Leader - Corporate Sustainability Strategy, BASF SE
  12. Comparing regulatory approaches between the EU and other regions

    Rudolf Wilden Rudolf Wilden
    Principal, Product Safety & Stewardship Lead Europe, Ramboll
  13. Q&A session

  14. Lunch and networking

  15. Enhesa Product Intelligence service presentation and platform demo

  16. Welcome back


    Mary Foley Mary Foley
    Expert Services Strategy Director, Enhesa
  17. Session 3: Managing product sustainability and substances of concern
  18. How ESPR and chemicals traceability can support the green transition

    Julian Schenten Julian Schenten
    Senior Law and Policy Advisor, ClientEarth
  19. Landscape of sustainability attributes used to guide chemical and material selection

    • Reflections on convergence of substitution/alternatives assessment and sustainable chemistry
    • During chemical selection which sustainability attributes are being considered?
    • Are there opportunities convergence on measurable attributes
    Eeva Leinala Eeva Leinala
    Principal Administrator, Risk Management, Mutual Acceptance of Data and Good Laboratory Practices, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
  20. Finding the right blend: Tackling substitution challenges with sustainability in the mix"

    • Substitution challenges faced by downstream users of chemicals
    • Current developments in the EU and DUCC’s views
    • How to speed up substitution while boosting innovation?
    Triin Kaup Triin Kaup
    DUCC Manager, Downstream Users of Chemicals Co-ordination Group (DUCC)
  21. Q&A session

  22. Refreshment break

  23. Session 4: Supporting sustainable implementation
  24. Sustainable Portfolio Management: Identifying innovation opportunities and translating outcomes into action

    • SSbD design principles: An opportunity to strengthen existing sustainability portfolio management assessment tools
    • Key organizational levers: Governance,  digitalization, change of mindset, training and network of experts
    • Key learnings of practicing the sustainable portfolio management assessment
    Bruno Van Parys Bruno Van Parys
    Corporate Sustainable Development Sr. Officer, Syensqo
  25. ISO 59000 series of circular economy standards: Principles and framework for implementation

    • Terminology and action areas - for common understanding and objectifying circularity strategies
    • Circularity indicators and methods - for circularity performance and product stewardship 
    • Business model structure - for governance and for sharing value and costs in multi-actor value networks 
    • 59000 and how it provides the keys to secure circularity transitions in product life cycles
    Oliver Keserue Oliver Keserue
    Senior Researcher, Veolia
  26. Learnings from the PRESERVE project towards SSbD implementation in bioplastics

    • The development of new bio-based packaging solutions which can improve the recyclability, specially of food packaging, is critical in the context of the Circular Economy and the European Green Deal,  as it is to ensure the safety and sustainability of new products from an early stage, to achieve safer and greener materials.
    • The experience gained in the implementation of the SSbD Framework at Preserve can serve as an example in the development of new bioplastic materials
    Arantxa Ballesteros Riaza Arantxa Ballesteros Riaza
    Head of Processes and Products Safety Unit, ITENE
  27. Q&A session

  28. Networking drinks reception

    Join us for relaxed networking, drinks and appetizers with our speakers and attendees. 

  29. Close of day

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