
  1. Coffee and registration

  2. Welcome

    Nhat Nguyen Nhat Nguyen
    Chief Analyst, Enhesa Product Intelligence, USA
  3. Session one: North America: Regulations today and in the future

    Chair: Nhat Nguyen, Chief Analyst, Chemical Watch, USA

  5. US Food Contact: Current and future trends

    • Continuing concerns: GRAS, chemical-specific bans, supply chain communication
    • State initiatives
    • What’s on the food contact horizon?
    Deborah Attwood Deborah Attwood
    Associate, Steptoe
  6. Food contact in 2020: FDA perspective

    • Overview of the FDA’s food contact notification program
    • Updates on the CFSAN Online Submission Module (COSM)
    Elizabeth Petro Elizabeth Petro
    Lead Consumer Safety Officer, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA
  7. Q&A

  8. Refreshments

  9. California Proposition 65 and the food contact industry

    Nick Jermstad Nick Jermstad
    Senior Manager, Toxicology & Environmental Assessment, Intertek, USA
  10. State-level updates: Similarities and differences - a panel discussion

    Nhat Nguyen Nhat Nguyen
    Chief Analyst, Enhesa Product Intelligence, USA
    Deborah Attwood Deborah Attwood
    Associate, Steptoe
    Nick Jermstad Nick Jermstad
    Senior Manager, Toxicology & Environmental Assessment, Intertek, USA
  11. Q&A

  12. Lunch

  13. Session two: Packaging, printing and substance specific updates

    Chair: Deborah Attwood, Associate, Steptoe, US

  15. Risk assessment of non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) migrating from food contact articles

    • Non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) in the context of Food Contact Material (FCM) Regulations in EU
    • Migration of NIAS from FCM or Food Contact Articles (FCA)
    • Identification and quantification of NIAS – challenges aspects
    • Risk assessment of NIAS migrating from FCM/ FCA
    • Key regulatory aspects on using available tox data/ information, and establish safety levels
    Ioan Paraschiv, PhD Ioan Paraschiv, PhD
    Group Leader, Global Food & Food Contact Materials (FFCM) Division, Knoell, Netherlands
  16. PFAS grease barriers in packaging - what will replace them?

    • Learn about current concerns with PFAS in food packaging from research done by the Center for Environmental Health and their engagement with a wide range of public and private purchasers.
    • As more jurisdictions adopt zero waste goals, they are encountering challenges with single-use food service ware products. This session will explore the types of alternatives that are being recommended for and sought out by institutional purchasers
    Sue Chiang Sue Chiang
    Food Program Director, Center for Environmental Health
  17. Bridging the gap in food contact regulation of printing inks and coatings

    • Surveying the landscape of regulated and non-regulated inks
    • Differentiating direct and non-direct food contact inks
    • Practical approaches to establishing food contact compliance of inks
    Gregory V. Pace PhD, MS Gregory V. Pace PhD, MS
    Consultant, Regulatory and Product Stewardship, Gregory V. Pace Ph.D. LLC
  18. Q&A

  19. Refreshments

  20. The future of food safety in food and beverage packaging: A video presentation

    • Review of the challenges for food safety in packaging
    • What can we learn?
    • What can be done to address future challenges for food packaging?
    Neil Finley Neil Finley
    Head of Global Food Safety, Henkel Adhesives, UK
  21. Clean packaging and product transparency

    • What is “clean packaging” and why is it important?
    • What are some of the regulatory changes resulting from this movement?
    • What are some of the strategies that major brands are engaging in to address this concern?

    Presentation prepared by: Weldon Williams, Sr. Director, Quality Assurance, Packaging, HAVI, USA

    Deborah Attwood Deborah Attwood
    Associate, Steptoe
  22. Q&A: Ask the expert

  23. End of day one / drinks reception


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