
  1. Bombarded by chemicals compliance requirements? Stop and come up for air (optional session) Join the Chemical Watch new service and platform demonstration Breakfast session hosted by Abigail Vanhorn in the Chemical Watch demo area.

  2. Session three: Risk assessment of FCMs
  3. Regulatory updates affecting the risk assessment of FCMs

    Jessica Cooper Jessica Cooper
    Review Chemist, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA
  4. Assessing and managing the risk assessment of food contact materials, updates from Europe including the EU declaration of compliance

    Eric Andrews Eric Andrews
    Technical Services Manager, Colour Synthesis Solutions, LLC, USA
  5. Q&A

  6. Session four: Recycling and the circular economy
  7. Refreshments

  8. Who’s minding the store? Food retailer action on toxic chemicals in food contact materials

    • NGO’s are increasingly calling on grocery and fast-food chains to eliminate and substitute classes of toxic chemicals such as PFAS, ortho-phthalates, and bisphenols in food contact materials;.  
    • Learn about the findings of the recent ‘Who’s Minding the Store?’ retailer report card, which benchmarked the policies and practices of over a dozen top fast food and grocery chains in North America; and. 
    • In this session you’ll also learn about the criteria that the Mind the Store campaign is using, and policy recommendations for top food retailers.
    Mike Schade Mike Schade
    Director, Mind the Store, Toxic-Free Future, United States
  9. Food contact, sustainability initiatives and the circular economy

    Maryann Sanders Maryann Sanders
    Technical Director – Product Stewardship, ERM, USA
  10. Establishing FDA status for recycled plastics in food packaging

    • Among the private and public governance options of reduce, reuse, recycle or ban for solving the global marine plastic debris crisis, there is a renewed emphasis throughout the United States on how to improve and enhance the plastic recycling infrastructure.  
    • Options for qualifying secondary and tertiary (chemical) recycling systems will be explained for a range of feedstocks including recycled PET, HDPE, LDPE, PP, and styrene.  
    • The FTC green guides will be examined for their impact on recycling claims.  A walk-through of FDA’s challenge testing will be provided and attendees will learn about what’s happening in Europe and approaches for qualifying global supply streams for U.S. packaging applications.
    Martha E. Marrapese Martha E. Marrapese
    Partner, Wiley Rein LLP, USA
  11. Q&A

  12. Lunch

  13. Session five: Updates from the rest of the world
  14. Key developments in FCM from across Europe: A video presentation

    Ulrich Wietschorke Ulrich Wietschorke
    Director International Regulatory Affairs, WTConsulting GmbH, Switzerland
  15. EU vs US food contact regulations and working together

    Ioan Paraschiv, PhD Ioan Paraschiv, PhD
    Group Leader, Global Food & Food Contact Materials (FFCM) Division, Knoell, Netherlands
  16. China: Food contact update - A video presentation

    • Current FCM National Standards system in China; challenges and trends
    • Updates of key standards including:
      • GB 21604.1
      • Adhesives
      • Printing inks

    via video presentation

    Lei Zhu Lei Zhu
    Director, Food Safety Standard Division I, China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, China
  17. Q&A

  18. Refreshments

  19. Packaging regulations in Asia Pacific: A food industry perspective

    • Packaging safety regulations in Asia Pacific: overview and latest updates
    • Packaging sustainability regulations in Asia Pacific: a fast moving landscape
    • Emerging concerns, compliance and innovation
    • Nestle: a food industry approach to compliance

    Presentation prepared by:

    Sylvain Rannou NQAC Expert, Packaging Safety & Compliance (PS&C) in AOA, Nestle Quality Assurance Centre, Singapore

    Nhat Nguyen Nhat Nguyen
    Chief Analyst, Enhesa Product Intelligence, USA
  20. Regulating FCMs across MERCOSUR

    • The Framework for MERCOSUR’s Food Contact Legislation
    • Sector-specific Legislation
    • MERCOSUR Resolution GMC 39/19 on additives in plastic materials and polymeric coatings
    Catherine R. Nielsen Catherine R. Nielsen
    Partner, Keller and Heckman LLP, USA
  21. Q&A

  22. Conference conclusion

    Geraint Roberts Geraint Roberts
    Freelance journalist and researcher
  23. Close of conference


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