Highlights from Food Contact Regulations Europe 2020
This year’s Food Contact Regulations Europe conference took place in Brussels on 11-12 February and gave professionals the chance to get the latest updates and developments on global food contact regulations.
The two-day conference brought together a panel of distinguished speakers from the European Commission, Coop Danmark, CEPI, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, Anthesis and Henkelto to share their expertise on:
- the most recent results from the EU rules on food contact materials (FCMs) and what it means for those working in the world of food contact
- how FCMs have been affected by sustainability initiatives across the world
- updates on regulations in plastics, paper and cardboard
- recycling and the circular economy
- risk assessments of FCMs
- what’s happening now, as well as expectations for the future
- global perspectives from Europe, the US, China and Mercosur
Key takeaways from our editorial director
Reflecting on this year’s event, Chemical Watch’s editorial director, Geraint Roberts, has reported on the key takeaways, which include:
- DG Sante pressing ahead with its evaluation of EU food contact regulations.
- Agreement from various FCM sector representatives that there are significant problems with the current EU regulatory framework.
- The public backlash against plastics and the Commission’s desire to boost the recycling of materials will increasingly impact policy on the recycling of plastic FCMs.
- The different approach to regulating FCMs in the US compared to the EU.
News articles from the conference:
Businesses failing to inform Commission of FCM safety updates
Business operators are failing to take responsibility for reporting information to the European Commission that could affect the safety assessment of substances approved for use under the food contact materials (FCMs) Regulation. Read more
EU Commission may delay FCM report by nearly two years
The European Commission may push back publication of a keenly anticipated report on food contact materials (FCM) by nearly two years, because it is considering a parallel impact assessment process. Read more
“High level of expertise of speakers, very well organized, easy-going technical support, nice venue, and a good place for networking”
"Well organised, interesting themes, people with knowledge!"
"Good presentations, friendly environment, excellent organisation"
“Good overview, interesting networking in breaks, high-level audience”
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If you haven’t already filled in our conference survey, please take a few minutes to let us know what you thought of this year’s event here.
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