Highlights from Biocides Symposium 2020
This year’s virtual Biocides Symposium gave attendees the chance to get the latest updates in European biocidal regulations. Using a mix of presentations, discussion panels and Q&A sessions, the event welcomed leading figures from industry, different member states, competent authorities and regulatory authorities to discuss latest developments concerning biocidal regulations across Europe
Topics that were explored included:
- the impact of Covid-19 on the BPR;
- BPR updates and overviews;
- the assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals under the BPR;
- product authorisation and active substance renewal;
- sustainable use, innovation and benefits of biocides under the BPR;
- biocides topics overlapping with other legislation; and
- testing and modelling.
News from the conference:
EU will invite UK to biocides discussions when 'necessary'
The European Commission has confirmed that the UK, in spite of its exit from the EU, will be allowed to participate in policy discussion related to the biocidal products Regulation (BPR) when deemed "necessary" and "in the interest of the Union". Find out more
Experts warn of disinfectants 'cliff-edge' when derogations expire
Companies that pivoted to producing disinfectants during the Covid-19 crisis could soon find themselves marketing products illegally as exemptions come to an end, a chorus of experts has warned. Find out more
We also publish news coverage on biocides frequently on our website – click here to see recent articles.
“I thought the conference was very well put together, given the circumstances! I found that the sessions gave me a good refresher/introduction to key topics.”
“The event was well organized.”
“The conferences proved to be very efficient and interactive despite the lack of personal networking possibilities.”
“The platform was easy to navigate and I still had the ability to ask questions.”
“Comprehensive presentations on a variety of topics relating to biocides.”
“The event was well organised and the presentations were easy to follow.”
“I was surprised at how smoothly the virtual conference went. It was my first experience with this format and I would highly recommend it. David Dillon was also an excellent moderator/facilitator.”
“Easy access, user-friendly instructions and good interactivity.”